Flourish or Flourish Excel?

I use Flourish Trace and Flourish Iron mainly. I do have some Flourish Excel and it works when you don't have any CO2 hooked up to the tank. It gets good results but CO2 gets better. Excel is a organic carbon source while the excel has the trace elements a planted tank needs. I found that I needed to add iron to my tank so the Flourish Iron is what I use. Less than 2 days and my plants that were suppose to be red but weren't were very red once I started to add the Iron.

I highly recommend any and all of Seachems Flourish line for planted tanks. I haven't gotten very good results from any of the other brands out there (when compaired to what I get now with Seachems products).

Thank you very much. :)

I bought the Flourish comprehensive (not the excel). I will return it and buy the Excel because I don't have any CO2 hooked to any of my tanks.
I use them both, CC.

As Rose mentioned, they're different products.

But, if you're just starting out with fertilizers, and had to pick one, chances are the Excel will do you more good.
Well, I've decided not to be cheap.

I kept the comprehensive and I bought the excel.

Do you refridgerate your like the bottle suggests? :dunno:
I refrigerate Flourish -- but not Flourish Excel.

Also, just as a reminder, check the recommended dosing. Flourish is usually dosed once a week; Excel is every day, or every other day.
Thanks. :)

I plan on doing the Excel everother day, and the Flourish after my weekly h2o change.

It doesn't say to refridgerate the Excel. :*)

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