Floating Plants


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2012
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Little bit confused here, i have bought a fair bit of floating plants for my 300l cube, but within a month its all gone, i have not had problems with other rooted plants that are growing well and really getting large, but the floating (frogbit and red rooted) just have disappeared!!
I do have good flow in my tank, and the surface moves around a fair bit, could this be the issue?
thanks for any help.
What fish are you keeping. I had problems with fish eating salvinia natans
Fish eating them and/or not enough nutrient for all that CO[sub]2[/sub] and light up there.....
Fishwise i have guppies, swords, barbs, cory's and pelcos.. I dose with EI starter kit mixture, LED lights...
There's hope, you just need to feed the plants a bit.
Fertilizer and/or CO2 or in some cases just less frequent water changes does the trick.
ok so i have only just started using the EI dosing, i guess give it another go now i am doing that?

Sorry, forgot to thank you for the help, thanks :)
I would never advocate testing your water for Nitrate or Phosphate......but if you happen to have a spare kit just have a do and make sure you're readings aren't whatever the kits recon zero is.....
Or maybe if you've only just started EI try some new ina few weeks when everything is up to speed.

(The above views on test kits being a complete pile of cack are my own and probably not indicative if TFF in general. K, good.)
Im growing salvinia natans, hornwart and indian fern in a tank with no light and no heater and it's doing great
No heater I get...but no light? Do you mean no light on the tank and just ambient light?

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