Floasting Plants?


Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2013
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Im thinking of breeding pearl gourami's sometime in the future but having read up a lot, most sources of information suggest floating plants, whats the best type and where can i get it from.
currently i get my plants from where i work and we don't sell any floating plants as far as i know.
but other than that I've heard having some form of anchor for the bubble nest like a bit of polystyrene cup will do the same job, and have the rest of the tank planted.
Amazon Frogbit will be ideal for what you want, I have some spare that I could send you if you are happy to cover the postage costs?
theres loads of floating plants, riccia, amazon frogbit, duck weed, ect, also some lilys put there leaves to the surface. hope this helps (iv got duck weed and riccia for sale if your intrested )
im probably not to far from you livewire i live in bristol too, im just going out for a bit but ill get back too you :D, thanks ill have a look into them 
Both anacharis and hornwort are cheap and common plants that can be floated. If your filter makes them swirl around to much you can anchor them to a rock or plant weight with some fishing line.
them 2 are stem plants, not floaters, you can float any aquatic plant besides heavy root feeders, imo 
water sprite is my favorite just buy one stem and let it float and soon you will have a whole mass of lush green

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