Livebearer Specilest
Tomorrow Sunday 24th march will be a fish auction with the following livebearers for sale
There is already a link in the club section but this is so the hobbiests here that miss these events can see what going on
Some cichlids at the auction
Apistogramma veijita
Amatitiania nigrofasciata
Danioes Convicts
Metriclima greshaki
Aulonocara species
Aulonacara Firefish
Amphilopus festae
Cryptoheros species Honduran red point
Julidchromis marlieri
Metriclima callainos
Metriclima estherae double red
Pheudocrenilabrus nicholsi
Chromidotilapia guentheri guentheri
Labidichromis hongi
Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos
Protomelas spilonotus
Geophagus balzani
Placidochromis electra
Cyphotilapia frontosa
Labidichromis perlmutt
Melanachromis auratus
Placidochromis milomo
Dimidiochromis compressiceps
Copadichromis borleyi
Ps demassoni
Protomelas steveni Taiwan Reef
Sciaenochromis fryeri
Pterophyllum scalare (Albino Scribble)
Mesonauta festivus
Metriaclima greshakei
Aulonacara stuartgranti
Cichlasoma trimaculatum
Astronotus ocellatus
Krobia sp. Xingu?
There is already a link in the club section but this is so the hobbiests here that miss these events can see what going on
Some cichlids at the auction
Apistogramma veijita
Amatitiania nigrofasciata
Danioes Convicts
Metriclima greshaki
Aulonocara species
Aulonacara Firefish
Amphilopus festae
Cryptoheros species Honduran red point
Julidchromis marlieri
Metriclima callainos
Metriclima estherae double red
Pheudocrenilabrus nicholsi
Chromidotilapia guentheri guentheri
Labidichromis hongi
Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos
Protomelas spilonotus
Geophagus balzani
Placidochromis electra
Cyphotilapia frontosa
Labidichromis perlmutt
Melanachromis auratus
Placidochromis milomo
Dimidiochromis compressiceps
Copadichromis borleyi
Ps demassoni
Protomelas steveni Taiwan Reef
Sciaenochromis fryeri
Pterophyllum scalare (Albino Scribble)
Mesonauta festivus
Metriaclima greshakei
Aulonacara stuartgranti
Cichlasoma trimaculatum
Astronotus ocellatus
Krobia sp. Xingu?