Hey people,
Just doing my weekly water change for which I use a decent size hose with a piece of tights tied round the end to stop fish being sucked up. As usual the fish swim close to the end of the hose to check out what is going on, today a Celestial Pearl Danio got a bit to close and got sucked against the tights on the end of the hose so I quickly pulled the hose out of the water to release the fish back into the tank.
I watched him swim to a lump off moss and sit on top of it, it looks like he has had some of his slime coat sucked off, he stayed on the moss for a minute but soon moved away slowly when my Betta came over to check out why he was sat still on the moss.
Will the slime coat regenerate? or will he likely die? is there anything I can do to help him?
Just doing my weekly water change for which I use a decent size hose with a piece of tights tied round the end to stop fish being sucked up. As usual the fish swim close to the end of the hose to check out what is going on, today a Celestial Pearl Danio got a bit to close and got sucked against the tights on the end of the hose so I quickly pulled the hose out of the water to release the fish back into the tank.
I watched him swim to a lump off moss and sit on top of it, it looks like he has had some of his slime coat sucked off, he stayed on the moss for a minute but soon moved away slowly when my Betta came over to check out why he was sat still on the moss.
Will the slime coat regenerate? or will he likely die? is there anything I can do to help him?