Fish That Explore The Whole Tank


Fish Botherer
Dec 8, 2012
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I keep platies, harlequin rasbora and threadfin rainbowfish. Only the platies explore the whole tank and I love watching them swim in and out of the plants and decorations.

Out of curiosity can anyone suggest some other fish that like to explore all over?
my cories will explore the whole tank, same goes for many rams and parrot fish. angels will do the same thing.
My cherry barbs certainly do. Add anything new or change the tank around and they're curious always exporing any gaps or objects
That's cool, I'd like some cherry barbs someday
How about the spastic little Danio?. They don't ever sit still! When I had a school of these guys they'd zig and zag around all the plants.
Any member of the anabantoid fishes. They love scouring all around the tank searching for tiny tidbits :D
My sunset gouramis seem to enjoy wandering the tank. They spend most of the time near the top of the water but occasionally go around the gravel and plants looking for food.
I've kept a dwarf cichlid. that was very intelligent and curious. He was a blast to watch!  So cute, too. My betta loves to watch what's going on around him rather than his tank lol. Otherwise Bettas are curious creatures.
A couple of mentions already "angles" they do explore the wholes tank and at a slower speed. Always in a different place than 2 mins ago. Lovely fish
Rummy nose tetras, mine swim all around the tank in through my vallis through the caves and they swim at all level from Tom
Corys explore a lot and make the bottom look alive lol

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