Fish Fanatic
OK. Let me start out by saying the tank in question has been given to me, and i have been given false information about said tank. It is a 15 gallon hex tank (though it looks a bit smaller imo, maybe 10g) and its got 2 panda corys and a angelfish in it, all juvenile. I am in the process of setting up a 55 gallon for them, and as of right now its just sand and water. not cycled, no plants, nothing. When i was given this tank I was told it had been up for about 4 months, so long enough to have cycled. I tested ammonia the day I got it, it was 0, so I didn't test again. I've had the tank for 2 weeks, changed the water twice. Well today i noticed one of the corys acting a bit sluggish, so i did a ammonia test. The reading was crazy, somewhere between 4 and 8, I don't know how these poor fish are alive. I immediately did a 75% water change, now its at about 1.0. I called my "friend" who gave me the tank, and she confessed she had just got it a few days before she gave it to me, and her room mate had made her get rid of it. So the question is, should I move these fish to the 55 gallon right now? Or would the be better off staying in this tank while it cycles, while i plant the 55g and cycle it? Any advice is great, i just want to do whats best for the fish!