Fish Struggles To Rise One Day, Refuses To Sink Next

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Sep 4, 2013
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Tank size: 15gal

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Dalmation Molly with no physical side affects. Maybe eyes popped out very slightly compared to normal.
Three days ago the fish became extremely lethargic and rested on the bottom of the tank, almost motionless. Would struggle a lot to try and swim to top of tank. Next day it couldn't make it to the top on its own. Moved it into a 3gal fish bowl as a last resort and it was having extreme trouble breathing. The bowl made it easier to swim to the top, seemed to improve slightly. Fish bowl became cloudy within 24 hours so I moved it back to the tank. Did a water change and added a small amount of ammonia remover as a last resort(would normally let it cycle on its own). Once put back in the fish displayed the same symptoms. Decided to lay motionless in a collection of plants. Figured he would be dead by the morning.  But now, for the past 24 hours, the fish has refused to lay on the bottom of the tank. It struggles voraciously to stay afloat and refuses to leave the top inch of the water. Will occasionally sink ~halfway then swim back up.  Fish hasn't eaten anything in the past three days and refuses to try and eat small peas.

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
20% weekly. Twice this week.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Stresscoat and just added an ammonia remover as last resort

Tank inhabitants:
Assortment of small fish. Tetras, Mollies, and angelfish. 9 fish total

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
Three tetras added last week.

Exposure to chemicals:
Just the ammonia remover added two days ago
ammonia remover i find is a waste of money, and you are not treating for the chlorine.. you need to treat the water for chlorine because that is what will affect your fish.
it also sounds like you didn't cycle your tank and there is ammonia etc poisoning... up your water changes to every day. and make sure you treat it will chlorine remover not ammonia remover.
what are your stats, and how long have you cycled then tank?
also a angel fish is WAY to big for that tank.. one needs a min of 30 gallons to just itself. i would rehome that.
BerryAttack has pretty much answered your question as to why your fish are struggling.
Suspect you did not cycle your tank, would recommend you read the topic 'Cycling a Tank' link on top of the page.
Dechlorinating your water is a good idea as this removes chlorine and other chemicals which may be harmful to fish.
Angel Fish, they grow and needs a big tank, your 15 gal is far too small, also they may eat your tetras!
Also do you have a test kit for testing your tank water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrates and pH?
If you don't, really do recommend you get one.
API Freshwater Master Test Kit are pretty decent, the liquid test ones, NOT the dip strip tests (very inaccurate)
If you can't get a test kit, go to your LFS with a clean bottle full of your tank water and ask them to test the water, ask for specific numbers don't accept just the 'it's fine' answer from them. 

Post the results asap and then we can give you further advice.
Sorry if this seem a pretty negative post but we ARE trying to help you AND the fish. 

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