Fish Stock?


New Member
Dec 8, 2011
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Stoke on Trent
I have an 80 litre tank that is fully cycled and also planted. I was just wondering if anyone could give me any advice on stock. I am not so sure that I trust everything the people at the shops tell me, some seem unsure as to what they are talking about. They have said that my stock is okay.

4 Sunset platys
2 Mollys
6 Neon tetras
4 Cardinal tetras
1 Red tail black shark (although small now I realise he will need re-homing to bigger tank quite soon)

I also have a friend who is getting rid of a male fighting fish, I have read these should not be kept with RTBS due to aggression, is this correct?

Any advice is appreciated because I am fairly new to this... Thanks.
Why split the tetras into two small groups? They look very similar but are still different species, they would be better off in one larger group of one type.

Platys are fine.

Mollies get quite chunky and active so it depends how long your tank is really, I wouldn't add any more of these.

Fighter probably wouldn't be very happy in that tank, theyre not always great community fish, rtbs in there or not.

Yes quite right your rtbs will rapidly outgrow that tank.
I do plan to get more of each, or should I change it to one of them and have a few more so I only have one species. They seem to be happy at the moment. Which would you suggest? One of my Mollys is chunky with quite big fins and the other is half the size with not very big fins. Is this a gender difference?

My tank is approx 3ft wide I believe. When would be a good idea to re-home the RTBS, how big is too big for my tank? He seems very happy at the moment and will be sad to see him go.

Should I leave the betta then and not have it or is it choice? Would he be unhappy?

Thanks a lot for your advice :)
I do plan to get more of each, or should I change it to one of them and have a few more so I only have one species. They seem to be happy at the moment. Which would you suggest? One of my Mollys is chunky with quite big fins and the other is half the size with not very big fins. Is this a gender difference?

My tank is approx 3ft wide I believe. When would be a good idea to re-home the RTBS, how big is too big for my tank? He seems very happy at the moment and will be sad to see him go.

Should I leave the betta then and not have it or is it choice? Would he be unhappy?

Thanks a lot for your advice :)

Personally I would change it to around a dozen of one type, either neon or cardinal, but you could have at least half a dozen of each if you really wanted to.

You might have a sailfin Molly as well as a regular Molly, which get quite large and boisterous. Or they might be different ages, etc. hard to tell without photo.

It can't be a very tall tank if it's 3 feet long and 80 litres. Mines 180 litres at just over 3ft. But length is more important than height for an rtbs so that's a good start. It's hard to tell you if/when he may need rehoming, it's just something to bear in mind - it could become aggressive or territorial, or it might not, but it's best to be prepared.

I would not put a betta in that setup personally.

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