Fish Staying Near Top Of My Tank?


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2013
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Last night, I noticed my two green lantern platys at the top of the tank, but I didn't think too much of it. This morning, I noticed that my other platy has joined them. What could be the cause? I did a water change the other day and added a new decoration, but nothing else has changed. 

The swordtail thats also inside is acting normally, along with my otto.
Is your filter breaking the water surface enough to oxygenate the tank, & have you tested your water to make sure there's been no spikes?
Gasping at surface of water is usually pretty much a sign of either two things, nitrite poisoning or lack of oxygen in water.
1 - what are your water parameters? ammonia, nitrite and nitrates if you have that test.
2 - is there any water surface agitation by either your filter or perhaps airstones? 
One last possibility may be due to your new decor addition, but i suspect the first two i mentioned are probably more likely but would be best to check with first two or any other possible causes before suspecting your new decor.
BTW are the fish showing any signs, like red gills, gasping, swimming erratically or on own etc?
They seem to be gasping for air. When we fill the tank with water, we fill it all the way to the top, so it doesn't seem to have any agitation on top. When my parents wake up, I am going to get them to use the test strips. I don't have any of the liquid test sets yet, although I know I really need one. They are just too pricey for my mom to get. She claims that the test strips are fine, yet she NEVER let me test the water. 

One of the Green Lanterns is swimming around normally again. 
As I am still a little unsure which is the cause, although seems to be pointing slightly towards lack of oxygen.
A couple more questions am afraid,
1 - Is your tank cycled?
2 - do increase the filter output or put in an airstone if you have one to increase agitation of water surface, this will help oxygenate the water.
As I am still a little unsure which is the cause, although seems to be pointing slightly towards lack of oxygen.
If you are just using test strips (not exactly the best as you already know) then could you post the results, exact results would help greatly if this is possible. 
Or, with your parents permission take a tank water sample to your nearest LFS, if not too far, and ask them to test the tank water if they use liquid tests and ask for exact water parameters.
Do not try to get yourself in trouble of any sort, just do what you can.
I will have to talk with my parents about using the test strips. Although I bought everything with my own money, they don't want me to test test the water.
Turns out that my test strips don't test for ammonia. But here are the results: 
General hardness - 6.0
PH - 6.0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10 

It was hard to tell with the Nitrate part, it looks like it could be up to 15 or 20.
I think one of my Green Lanterns doesn't have much longer to live. He is on the bottom of the tank and barely moving. 
These readings are pretty good actually, hope these test strips are accurate enough anyway. Just need ammonia.....
Sound more likely its lack of oxygen in water, so if you can, increase the filter output until you can see ripples in water surface, if you cannot, then a small pump with airstone and get water surface being agitated with this.
That should help greatly hopefully.
What does it mean if your fish have red gills? My two Shubunkins do, Although they're Translucent, so im not sure if it is what is inside their gills? That's what i always thought 
Antoniakr said:
What does it mean if your fish have red gills? My two Shubunkins do, Although they're Translucent, so im not sure if it is what is inside their gills? That's what i always thought 
Difficult to tell without seeing a pic, it COULD be natural markings, or it COULD be ammonia/nitrite poisoning as symptoms of this is red gills and gasping.
Yup, my green lantern is having trouble swimming. He keeps going vertical and bumping into things. :( I got so attached to him...
Have you increased the filter output so that the surface of tank water ripples?
Or added and airstone?
Is the water surface rippling?
What kind of filter are you using? an internal or external?
Maybe you could adjust the output tube or spraybar towards surface of water to create surface agitation?
If not, then would suggest using an airstone with pump if you have one.

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