Hi everyone,
Well, my fishless cycling is well on track (says he with fingers crossed) thanks to all the advice given on this forum.... A full dose of Ammonia is going to zero in under 24 hours and the nitrite produced going to zero in just under 2 days.... so not long to go before stocking with fish whoopee
All plants have settled down now and almost doubled in size! apart from the floating duckweed, that all died off for some reason? Anyway, my problem is that my PH has gone up to 8,2, which is way too high for the fish that I'm planning to get - ideally I want a PH of between 7.0 and 7.5.
I appreciate that at the end of cycling, I will need to do a major water change which will bring down the PH to that of my tap water or there abouts, but why has the PH gone up? Am I doing something wrong?
If the PH was to rise when I have stocked up with fish, how do I reduce it or keep it at the required level?.....
Well, my fishless cycling is well on track (says he with fingers crossed) thanks to all the advice given on this forum.... A full dose of Ammonia is going to zero in under 24 hours and the nitrite produced going to zero in just under 2 days.... so not long to go before stocking with fish whoopee
All plants have settled down now and almost doubled in size! apart from the floating duckweed, that all died off for some reason? Anyway, my problem is that my PH has gone up to 8,2, which is way too high for the fish that I'm planning to get - ideally I want a PH of between 7.0 and 7.5.
I appreciate that at the end of cycling, I will need to do a major water change which will bring down the PH to that of my tap water or there abouts, but why has the PH gone up? Am I doing something wrong?
If the PH was to rise when I have stocked up with fish, how do I reduce it or keep it at the required level?.....