Fish Id - Help!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 18, 2014
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Can someone please tell me what kind of fish this is?! Thanks!
Sorry, wasn't sure if it was just my comp or something xD
That's the copyright fish.
Yup cpd. The new picture looks much better than the first one.
Also known in some parts as the "Galaxy Rasbora" which was its old name. I want some but nobody sells them here.
Gruntle said:
Also known in some parts as the "Galaxy Rasbora" which was its old name. I want some but nobody sells them here.
Indeed, originally classified as a rasbora when first discovered, but then it, along with some other species, were reclassified as danios. Some shops do indeed still label them as Galaxy Rasbora
Not to be confused with the Pearl Danio (Danio Albolineatus) and others which prefer cooler water, the CPD is at home in proper tropical temperatures.
eaglesaquarium said:
Yup cpd. The new picture looks much better than the first one.
Hmmm, where is the new image?  I am still seeing the "stop stealing" image.
snork6 said:
whats the copyright fish?
That's the copyright fish.
That was a joke.  The original image posted showed (still does for me) a warning about 'stealing' images, probably due to the linking method used.
Love celestial pearl danios, tiny but beautiful fish
These do much better in a decent sized shoal, at least 12 but better with 20+ with tank mates of similar sizes and fine with shrimps.
Also they are a timid fish so can be skittish at sudden moves or noises.
I have a shoal of 15 with 12 epsei Harlequins and amano shrimps in a moderately planted tank, thesy love long grassy plants such as vallis, elodea, balansea and water lettuce floating plants with a sand substrate that also has malaysian trumpet snails

Edit - forgot to add more info on these beautiful fish (which incidently has the same pic you posted :lol: )-
Ch4rlie has posted a good link that details the requirements for this species, including the larger number in the group as he mentioned.
And the "rasbora/danio" point lockman made is true, there was confusion over this species when it was discovered in 2006 and began to be exported prior to the scientific description by Tyson Roberts in 2007.  He named it Celestichthys margaritatus and placed it in the subfamily Danioinae in the family Cyprinidae.  Dr. Roberts erected the genus for this species which thus is the type species, and in 2013 Maurice Kottelat moved three other species into this genus.  Here is a link to Dr. Roberts' complete paper describing this species including colour photographs of the holotype specimens if anyone is interested.
The scientific name of this beautiful fish, both genus and species epithet, is certainly well chosen.  Celestichthys comes from the Greek and literally means "heavenly fish," and the epithet margaritatus is Latin and means "adorned with pearls."  For once, the common name followed suit.
I know we have some members who will know the terms but others likely won't, so a very brief explanation.  "Type species" means the species that has all the characteristics that any other species placed in the genus must also have present.  So all species in a given genus will share these characteristics.  Their individual characteristics however, such as external colouration but also physiological (internal) differences, result in there being distinct species.  "Holotype" refers to the fish specimen used by the ichthyologist in describing the species, and these are preserved and permanently placed in a museum or library so other ichthyologists/biologists can examine them should the need arise.  The four species in this genus not only share specific characteristics, they have another very unique aspect: they are all directly descended from a common ancestor, which no other known species share.  This genus is thus termed monophyletic.
I better stop at this point in the story.

BiggTexx said:
Yup cpd. The new picture looks much better than the first one.
Hmmm, where is the new image?  I am still seeing the "stop stealing" image.

snork6 said:
whats the copyright fish?

That's the copyright fish.
That was a joke.  The original image posted showed (still does for me) a warning about 'stealing' images, probably due to the linking method used.

Interesting that you still don't see the image - must be something within your browser, I assume, as the rest of us see the photo.
the_lock_man said:
Interesting that you still don't see the image - must be something within your browser, I assume, as the rest of us see the photo.
Tried from Chrome, IE and FF with the same result. Oh well, at least they got some good info on the CPD's.
I have looked around for them here without any success.  LFS says they can get some at $7 a piece, min of 10, but that is a little steep for me. 

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