Fish Being Eaten!


New Member
Jan 8, 2012
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I'm having no luck! I posted some queries some weeks back as a Gourami was fighting a male Siamese Fighter, Hatchets and pencil fish. He had to go and I also took back the hatchets, the pencils were all eaten! The remaining fish 'were' (cos I'm gonna come to this bit in a mo) 7 Neons, 2 Corydoras, 2 Algae shrimp, 2 cherry shrimps, 1 Apple snail and 5 Threadfin Rainbows!

We went on a 4 week holiday so left a 2 week feeder in and had someone place another one in after 2 weeks. To my horror, we returned to find of the Fighter, 3 Rainbows, 1 Cherry & the Apply Snail had all vanished! And within 3 weeks of our return I've now noticed 2 neons have and 1 Rainbow have gone! One Tetra has one eye too! I don't notice any fighting (especially since the Fighter's gone cos he did used to nip – but I also noticed his tail fins were half the size a few weeks before we went away!), but clearly something's going on! Any advice? It's a bit like Cluedo!!

water stats?
what fish do you have left? or are they all dead?
size of tank?

maybe the person that babysat them took them.. lol that would suck..
There's definately something fishy going on!
water stats?
what fish do you have left? or are they all dead?
size of tank?

Water was and still is fine, have the cory's, 5 neons and one Rainbow left, plus the 2 algae shrimps and cherry shrimp.

Tank is 37L.
If that is 37 ltrs, it's a tiny tank for so many fish and I am not surprised you had aggression issues. Gouramis and fighters should never be housed together anyway, as they are related and both territorial.

Damaged fins can be due to aggression, but it can also be finrot arising from water issues. What exactly do you mean by water stats fine? What kind of ammonia test are you using?

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