Fish Are Amazing Animals


Coo, Man
Feb 13, 2013
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Ok guys, early May 2015, I had 3 female bettas in my 5 g. I lost one of them due to a filter accident and that set off a problem in the hierarchy. So I seperated the remaining two. One in my 25g and one in the 5 g again. The one in the 25 g is doing great to this day and is thriving in her new community of tetras, loaches, otos and Rams. But in mid May. The remaining Betta in the 5 g disappeared. I assumed she had died and the shrimo ate her as her body was never found. So a few days after I confirmed her dead I bought a beautiful white male betta for the 5 g.
Now, mid June, I was cleaning out the filter in the 5g. Guess what I found. The female betta.
Alive. Thriving.
In. The. Filter. Box.
She must have jumped up there and gotten stuck or something! She had been living in there for a whole month eating the particles the filter sucked up. She was very pale and raggedy so I have seperated her for now.
Amazing to think she was able to live through that with water constantly battering her. I can't keep her in the 5g as there's a male in there so I have put her in the 25 g with the other female. She's found a nice little hiding spot in the wood and hopefully this little fighter will recover and live out the rest of her life in peace and quiet.
Nice story.
Poor betta though, glad she's doing well in the bigger tank now.
I have to mention that when i had my nano tank that had a filter compartment, my endlers had jumped into the compartment a couple of times. So i made a diy lid with partition added which blocked off the filter compartment from main tank area, did not happen again thankfully.
WHAT? That betta is a little trooper :) no idea how it managed to survive for a month in there... I cant even imagine that to be honest
She came out this morning with the tetras and feeded with them on some flakes. I'm amazed at how fast she's adapted back to tank life from filter life.
oh my gosh! This fish deserves an award or something! What a little warrior. Is she shy at all? Wouldn't surprise me if sue becomes the most boisterous one in the tank judging by how dshes adapted so far!

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