Coo, Man
Ok guys, early May 2015, I had 3 female bettas in my 5 g. I lost one of them due to a filter accident and that set off a problem in the hierarchy. So I seperated the remaining two. One in my 25g and one in the 5 g again. The one in the 25 g is doing great to this day and is thriving in her new community of tetras, loaches, otos and Rams. But in mid May. The remaining Betta in the 5 g disappeared. I assumed she had died and the shrimo ate her as her body was never found. So a few days after I confirmed her dead I bought a beautiful white male betta for the 5 g.
Now, mid June, I was cleaning out the filter in the 5g. Guess what I found. The female betta.
Alive. Thriving.
In. The. Filter. Box.
She must have jumped up there and gotten stuck or something! She had been living in there for a whole month eating the particles the filter sucked up. She was very pale and raggedy so I have seperated her for now.
Amazing to think she was able to live through that with water constantly battering her. I can't keep her in the 5g as there's a male in there so I have put her in the 25 g with the other female. She's found a nice little hiding spot in the wood and hopefully this little fighter will recover and live out the rest of her life in peace and quiet.
Now, mid June, I was cleaning out the filter in the 5g. Guess what I found. The female betta.
Alive. Thriving.
In. The. Filter. Box.
She must have jumped up there and gotten stuck or something! She had been living in there for a whole month eating the particles the filter sucked up. She was very pale and raggedy so I have seperated her for now.
Amazing to think she was able to live through that with water constantly battering her. I can't keep her in the 5g as there's a male in there so I have put her in the 25 g with the other female. She's found a nice little hiding spot in the wood and hopefully this little fighter will recover and live out the rest of her life in peace and quiet.