First Guppy Fry Status!


New Member
Feb 29, 2012
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My first guppy fry are now about 2 ish months old! There are 6 plus the hitch hiker who is a bit older. Their colors and genders are showing and they are super pretty :D ! They get really excited when I get near the tank so pictures weren't really possible!
Here's the link to the video!

I accidentally over fed a little bit this morning so they're bellies are hanging low!
I m so excited how pretty their colors have turned out! I am so sad I am going to have to give them up when they get a little bigger.
They were born around march 11th. It was only them, 3 adults, and a couple corys! They have had a lot of space to grow since I don't trap and I keep my water warm around 78 degrees. Those would be my best guesses why they've gotten so big so fast :)

Oh and thank you for the tank compliment mattyeatsmatts

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