Finally Got Some Good Pics Of My Fish


New Member
Mar 18, 2013
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I borrowed a decent camera and finally managed to get a few decent pics of my fish, let me know what you think!



Wow, really nice pics, wish I had a good camera. Lovely fish too! 
Thanks. I am still amazed that the cherry barb is still with us. He had a deformed fin from the day he got home and has never grown any bigger since.
The pictures were taken on a Canon 1100D. Cant decide which of the gourami's I should enter into 'Fish of the month'.
Very nice pictures :)  
I like the third one of the Gourami looking up, plus the final shot.  There is a black mark on the right, not sure if it is something he is looking at or just a black mark?
They are absolutely stunning, especially the last one..All golden fishes with a golden background..Looks too good. :)
thomtom said:
Thanks. I am still amazed that the cherry barb is still with us. He had a deformed fin from the day he got home and has never grown any bigger since.
The pictures were taken on a Canon 1100D. Cant decide which of the gourami's I should enter into 'Fish of the month'.
I would go for the one without the poo trailing behind! Nice shots though :)

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