Filtration On 360l Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 10, 2008
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I have just brought a 360L tank. I currently have a fluval 305 on my old tank. Should I get a fluval 306(up to 400L) or should I get another filter to go with my 305 to cope with the size of the tank?
I'd be looking at 2 externals on a 360 litre. I got 2 tetratec ex1200's on my 450 litre. I think you'll find that 1 306 will struggle. Keep you 305 and get a 306 or if possible a 406 to run alongside it.

Flow on filters drops dramatically once they are full of media. For example a tetratec ex1200 states 1200lph turnover but that drops to around 950lph with media.

General guide is filtration turnover 4-5x your tank volume so you would be looking at getting around 2000lph (with media) but more being better and it does depend on the fish you keep on the tank. Larger fish need more filtration. As do smaller but high numbers of smaller fish

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