Filter Placement


New Member
May 7, 2010
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Good evening all. We have our new 96x24x24 tropical tank being delivered soon and have decided to use two FX5 filters, since we already use one in our current community tank. What would be your placement for the inlets?, both in one corner or one at each end. Want to have them both in the same corner and have the outlets at the other end to create a flow in the tank. One being a DIY spray bar and the other just "dumping" the water straight down into the water. Just would like to hear your opinions on this idea.

I would probably place an inlet/outlet in each corner, with outputs firing at the water surface longways (using a 22mm elbow joint instead of the supplied double nossle) towards an inlet, resulting in a clockwise or anti-clockwise flow in the tank.

I'd love to someday try a river manifold setup, which in theory sets up one way flow in the tank, but I don't think uni-directional flow is possible with big filters like FX5s (although it might be possible if you used full width DIY spraybars on each filter output, one set at the surface and one low/mid level, with the inlets at the opposing end).
Question is what have you got in the tank? Would they appreciated a strong.. current?... of the water being sucked in at one close place or spat out in one close space?

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