Filter For Bettas Tank


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2012
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i bought a second hand 28L tank today, it came with a under gravel filter, but i dont like the look of it so im replacing it, i was looking at the fluval mini, is the current ok?, tetra whisper 10i has been suggested but i cant find it in the UK, is it called something different here?
i want to make sure i have the right one, a cycle takes a long time and i dont want to get the wrong one that a betta will hate! :(
You could always order the tetra filter online. I use the whisper 10i in my 5 gallon betta tank. I put a piece of an old stocking on the intake piece so that it can't try to suck in the betta's fins. (I had that problem a few times)
they dont sell them in the uk by the looks of it, i will have to get the fluval mini and hope it will be ok
The Fluval mini will work fine, also buy the Fluval mini sponge filter intake attachment. Prevents fins from being caught and the sponge intake will reduce the output flow slightly. Post some pics if you can, I'm always interested to see how other betta keepers setup their aquariums ;)
i went for a all pond solutions one, there was reviews from betta owners saying it was good, with hardly any flow :) i will do when i get it set up, i was going to put it in my community tank, but decided to get him a tank for himself :) cant wait to get it all set up :D
msasa19 said:
i bought a second hand 28L tank today, it came with a under gravel filter, but i dont like the look of it so im replacing it, i was looking at the fluval mini, is the current ok?, tetra whisper 10i has been suggested but i cant find it in the UK, is it called something different here?
i want to make sure i have the right one, a cycle takes a long time and i dont want to get the wrong one that a betta will hate!
Can you move some media across from your community tank into your new Betta tank filter? There's the possibility you may not need to do much of a cycle at all....
The Taffy Apple said:
i bought a second hand 28L tank today, it came with a under gravel filter, but i dont like the look of it so im replacing it, i was looking at the fluval mini, is the current ok?, tetra whisper 10i has been suggested but i cant find it in the UK, is it called something different here?
i want to make sure i have the right one, a cycle takes a long time and i dont want to get the wrong one that a betta will hate!
Can you move some media across from your community tank into your new Betta tank filter? There's the possibility you may not need to do much of a cycle at all....
yeah i am hoping to, my new filter hasnt come yet, so hoping i can cram some in from my current filter!

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