Filter For 120L Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 18, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Ireland

My dad has randomly given me a tank twice the size of my current one. I am pleased with this, its a bit dirty and needs a bit of work but its a good tank. The filter appears to be on its last legs though, I was wondering could anyone recommend what size/type of filter would be needed for a tank this size?

Thanks very much

My dad has randomly given me a tank twice the size of my current one. I am pleased with this, its a bit dirty and needs a bit of work but its a good tank. The filter appears to be on its last legs though, I was wondering could anyone recommend what size/type of filter would be needed for a tank this size?

Thanks very much
Tetratec ex700
tetratec ex1200
Fluval 206
Fluval 306
any Eheim that state that size tank (not had any experience with Eheim but only hear good things)

I have a tetratec ex1200 on my 110L and its amazing, you can turn the flow down if you think its to much... I have the spray bar running along the back of the tank and it provides perfect flow.

If your after an internal filter i'm sorry I cannot help you, but to really recommend an external

The Ehiem canister filters are all good, i would highly recommend them :)
hey guys thanks for the suggestions but im looking for something a bit more budget priced than those!
internals are cheaper than externals generally.

How about the Fluval U3 or U4?

I used to run a U3 on my 125L and it worked fine.
hey guys thanks for the suggestions but im looking for something a bit more budget priced than those!

Hey man I'd recommend this filter I found on Amazon. Cheap and effective. They also do a slightly smaller one for a tenner. : )

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