Filter Choices


Aug 16, 2012
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Alright, heres my current setup:

125 gallon community tank - 2x Aquaclear 110, 1x Eheim 2217
70 gallon Pictus catfish tank - 1x Aquaclear 110
50 gallon temp catfish/redtail shark tank- 1x Ehiem 2217

I plan on going out of town to the fish store tomorrow to pick up another Eheim 2217 or two so I can have a quiet room without the over the back filters. I plan to move the mature media into the new canisters so they will be good to go from the start. But heres my question:

On the store's website it says they are sold out of Eheim 2217's but they might have some in stock at the store. If they dont, should I get a Fluval fx5 for the main community and move its Eheim over to the 70 gallon? I want all my tanks to use a canister and I read for canisters you need ~4x flow rate. The Eheim's are rated at 256gph with media so that leaves me at:
50g - 5.12 flow rate
70g - 3.65 flow rate
125g - 4.1 flow rate ( if I get a 2nd Eheim and not a Fluval )

The Eheim's are $200 each but if people like the Fluval Fx5 then for only $340 I can get one of those with a flow rate of ~525 with media then my flow rate will be at 4.2. Do those rates sound good at all? I would like to get a nice current in the tank for some of my fish but I need surface agitation so I'll prob just get another bubbler for the tanks and put the spray bar somewhere around the middle instead of pointing to the top
Also note if I get the fluval, I will only have one filter for the community tank right now. I know most people prefer two filters for larger tanks including myself but I cant spend that kind of money right now im still paying off the tanks. Maybe a few months from now im already going to have $300 in aquaclear filters I wont be using anymore
Just a random thought, have you measured the gap you're putting an FX5 into, they aren't exactly small things.
II'll have to look up it's size and the gap I have between the two tanks. I read it was the size of a five gallon bucket, and I have more room then that between them. I know the Eheim uses Ehfisubsrat while the aquaclear uses biomax. If I get two more eheims I hope that I can put biomax inside them cause I have no other way to cycle them

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