Ok so in my juwel trigon 190 I have the big standard internal filter it came fitted with. Now because I am probably overstocked I was thinking about a new filter. I asked juwel and gave them my current stock list and their response was the internal filter will be fine. Anyone got any opinions? Would a new, more powerful filter be better? Could I put a second filter in alongside the current filter? Here is my stock list:
3 angelfish
2 pearl gourami
6 platys
7 sterbai cory
5 x-ray tetra
5 black widow tetra
3 guppies
2 Bolivian rams
10 neons
Thanks guys
3 angelfish
2 pearl gourami
6 platys
7 sterbai cory
5 x-ray tetra
5 black widow tetra
3 guppies
2 Bolivian rams
10 neons
Thanks guys