Feeding Questions


Fish Fanatic
Aug 30, 2013
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Very new to fish. I have a 29 gal tank with 5 cherry barbs, 5 harlequin rasbora and 4 albino cory cats. I am feeding Tetra color flakes and Hikari Sinking Wafers. The cory cats really seem to like the wafers. What else should I add to the diet?

I tried some sun dried baby shrimp but no one is eating it. Any recommendations to keep my crew as healthy as can be? Thanks.

Buy the frozen foods like frozen bloodworms and frozen daphnia. The frozen foods are a lot better than the freeze dried foods, they are more nutritious. You can buy frozen "mini" bloodworms which are better for smaller fish.
Yeah i would agree with Liv because i feed my pygmy corys and betta frozen bloodworms and they go crazy for them.  Enough that the corys literally stay in the spot that i drop the bloodworms almost all day just waiting ^_^.  But if you do get these just remember to only feed them like once or twice a week because too much can leak a mass amount of phosphates into your water which you don't want.
Thanks for the suggestions. I will get the frozen food.

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