Feeding My Fish


New Member
Mar 17, 2014
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hi i've recently bought a 95l fish tank, i went to buy some fish the other day ended up with 2 neon jewel cichlids 2 crabs and a plecostomus.. anyways been feeding my fish with just normal flake food and they seem to be eating it all and not leaving much for the crabs.. i think pleco's don't eat flake food as i've read on the internet, anyways was wondering wether i should put 2 algae tablets in at night for the crabs and the pleco, the plecos about 3.5" long and the crabs are only small, not sure the amount of food they need plus my tank is very new so there isn't much algae growing on anything for the pleco to eat, if anyone could get back as soon as possible that would be great, thank you !
I'm not sure about the crabs, but I have a 6" bristlenose pleco who thrives on an algae tablet once or twice a week, and chewing on his driftwood (and whatever food the greedy tank-mates leave behind, which isn't much).
As far as I know, most plecos need wood to rasp on, I hope you have some or can get some for him/her.
to TFF! Hope you enjoy it here.
What sort of pleco do you have? And what sort of crab? I'm concerned the pleco may be a common and outgrow your tank. If you don't know what it is you can post a picture and someone should be able to ID it for you.
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Do you have any wood in the tank? -- Asking because most plecs appreciate and some require it.
Do you have a test kit? If so, liquid or strip? Your tank being new is a concern. Did you cycle it? If so, how? If you don't know what cycling is, have a look at THIS.
I really would not recommend crabs with fish. Claws + fins = bad idea. If you can get a separate tank for the crab I think that'd be for the best.
I put an algae wafer in 4-5 nights a week and a slice of zucchini once a week for my pleco.
He shares it with other fish so I'd think this would be enough for your plec and the other inhabitants too?
If you can I'd also start feeding a good quality cichlid pellet for your jewels. I'm not sure if this is required as I know next to nothing about cichlids, but it couldn't hurt :)

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