Fan Tail Suddencly Got Bigger Tummy


New Member
Mar 12, 2013
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Hi All,
I have 2 fan tails and 4 black tetras since last 8 months and all are doing just fine, but 3 days back when I woke up I saw one of my fantail, got tummy bigger than normal. I also noticed that she has got her scales vertically outwards, just like she got goosebumps..  or in other words Pineconing.
I have never seen this issue and also never heard of it. And today morning she started sitting on the base of the aquarium. I am really sad and don't want to loose her. can someone please help to understand what could be the possible issue.
Today I have mixed 5 drops of Rid All- anti fungus, thought it is fungus in stomach.
Tetras, 2" approx in size
Fan Talis: 4" (approx, head to Tail)
Tank SIze: 20 liters
Cleaning: 30% water change every 3-5 days, 40% water change and gravel siphon cleaning every 15 days.
Food: Blood worms - every alternate day evening
          Pallets -- every morning
          Tubifex worms: once every week
          Flake food : every alternate day
          egg white: once a week
and mix vegetables once a while..
Medicines: Rid All- anti chlorine, Rid All General Aid, when required Rid All anti fungus.
Filter: External sponge filter
Airpump and
pink light (which i switch on once a while as my room have sufficient light during day time for fishes)
The above care and feeding I am doing last 8 months.
All the help is much appreciated.
-- (rosat)
I'm afraid your fish has dropsy; a build up of fluid in the body cavity.
Dropsy can have many causes, but the usual one is poor water quality. In this case, it's probably happened because your tank is far, far too small for goldfish; they need a tank of at least 100l.
The bad news is that it's very difficult to save a fish once it's scales have started sticking out. You could try a salt bath (dissolve two tablespoons of salt in a gallon of water and put the fish in there for 20 minutes), but the prognosis isn't good :(
If you can't get a larger tank, look at getting a large plastic storage box for the fish. You will need to move the filter over, of course.
omg...!!  Dropsy...  oh.. no....!!
Let me try my best to save my fish..  Thank you so much for identifying the issue...  I have seen couple of pics on internet for dropsy and yes my fish has the same look now...
Please, if its possible, try to rehome or upgrade the goldfish to a tank/pond of at least 100L per fish.

Also, what tetras are in your tank? Goldfish are coldwater fish and depending on the specie your tetras are probably tropical, the two aren't a good mix sadly.

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