External Filters


May 16, 2012
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Hello! :)

So I've decided to save for the Juwel Rio 240 because of it's price and size seems to be the best so far. (if anyone knows a better tank I may of missed, feel free to say)
But I do not like the filter it comes with. It's rather bulky and ugly and it takes more space. I plan to cut it out and use a external filter.
Most people seem to go with Eheim or something. Can anyone recommend me a external filter? And maybe what model as well etc.

Also, will I have to cut holes in the Juwel Rio 240 for eternal piping?
And what is the heater like that comes with Juwel Aquariums?
Edit: Can anyone recommend a Co2 kit as well? I'm new with that and have done a bit of searching but would prefer a more modern answer. :good:

Thanks! :D
I have 3 Eheim ecco Pro 2234's and love them. They're rated for a 60 gallon tank with a 132 gallon per hour flowrate with media. Many people here love the Eheim Classic. The 2213 model is for a 66 gallon tank with a 116 gallon per hour flowrate with media. I believe more is better so those are the minimum you could get away with.
I have a TetraTec EX600 filtering a Rio 125 and it's been faultless so far. Plus the overflow pipe sections fit perfectly in the factory cut out grooves for cables etc so no need to DIY hack the tank to bits. I presume this will be the case with the Rio 240. I cut out the Juwel filter as it started to annoy me taking up so much space, impossible to reach dirty areas behind it, fry living under it etc. :rolleyes: You'll obviously need the larger model, the EX700 or even the EX1200 if you plan to stock heavily. The 1200 uses larger hoses though so I'm guessing it'll have bigger overflow sections which may stop the lid slats closing properly. You'd have to check the dims of the overflow sections and the depth of the grooves. Hope this helps.
Ah thanks! The TetraTec and Eheim have definitely caught my eye so far. :)
youre not buying brand new are you? youd be mad to do so! ( the tank i mean)
s many bargains to be had on ebay,gumtree,etc etc
as for the filter i would go with tetratec or an ehiem

edit: i just read the above post and see that the 2 suggestions are faves already lol
I'm a student and I will be keeping an eye out for cheaper eBay deals but I have no car/van so I can't pick up eBay deals which is a must. :L
But new is my last option (due to the fact they will deliver). I'm looking into fish tank pick up services and so forth but it's quite expensive for me down at the bottom of the UK.

I won't be buying till summer I'm afraid, so I won't be buying filters or anything yet, it's all research and prep for now. :) But I appreciate the offer.

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