Existing Stocking On Second Hand Tank


Aug 29, 2012
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So having decided to get a bigger tank, taken time to decide exactly which tank I wanted to buy, and exactly which fish I would stock it with, I mentioned it to a friend who said she had a friend selling their complete tank set up due to a house move.

I couldn't resist and it was delivered a couple of hours ago.

However, I'm aware that the existing stocking is not ideal, and would appreciate some advice on any urgent necessary changes. I'd like to keep as much as possible together, as he'd had the tank a few years and wanted them to go to a 'nice' home.

160l 100cm x 40cm x 40cm

Existing stocking:

2 angels
2 bala sharks (currently 3 inch)
2 parrot fish
2 kribensis
2 plecs (currently 3 inch - don't know which type of plec)
1 severum
1 pearl gourami

I would love to have a group of 12 rummy nose or bleeding heart tetras in there - could they go in now with the existing occupants?

My eventual goal is to have 3 groups of rummy nose, bleeding heart & diamond tetras, once the existing stock 'expires'.

I've not yet seen any conflict (though it's very very new, lol!) but should I expect trouble with this mix? And I realise Bala sharks should be in a group not pair, and ultimately in a massive tank, but can I keep these until they're a little bigger before rehoming?

Same with the plecs - can I keep until they're bigger?

I'm assuming its not currently overstocked, as with all the hiding places it often looks completely empty!

With the pearl gourami, might it be happier in my 60l with 7 albino corydoras and 3 honey gouramis?
Link to all photos http://s850.beta.photobucket.com/user/JenJ11/library/Fish

Pics of plecs if anyone can ID them please?


First pleco looks like a common, second is definitely a bristle nose. The bn can stay forever, the common should be rehomed at some point. As for the others, The balas should be rehomed asap, so should the severum and the parrots. These all get large 8" + and they need much larger quarters to be happy. So, the angels, kribs, pearl gourami and bn, would do well with the proposed school of tetras.
Sorry for the bad news...
Thanks. I suspected the balas would need to be moved quite quickly. The severum and one parrot are only just 3 inches at the moment, so I'll hang on to them until they're a bit bigger. The other parrot is even smaller.

The angels seem to have nipped fins - am I best off rehoming these now or just keep an eye on them?

From what I've observed so far, it's only the kribs that have shown any dominance - the smallest in the tank!
kribs are nasty during mating and having fry, best to get them a cave of some kind and dont get other bottom dwellers, it could cause war in your tank :/
Well, I take back what I said about the tank looking empty - at feeding time it's most definitely full of life, lol!

I was at my lfs today, but the guys I knew weren't working, so I didn't speak to them about taking the angels and sharks there.

I did buy unipac silica sand, then panicked it was the wrong type - it is fine for freshwater isn't it? I know coral sand is a big no no for freshwater tanks. Haven't changed from the gravel yet as want to let them settle a bit.

I'm going back to my lfs tomorrow to buy some plants - are any of these fish plant wreckers? It'll affect whether I get cheap ones or expensive ones!
Severums will demolish plants. Your best bets are java moss, Java fern, anubias and swords. Good luck!
Thank you :)

And sorry...another change of plan so another question...

I've always wanted tiger barbs, but ruled then out due to my desire for a peaceful community. However, as I've now got cichlids, I could forget the tetras for now, and get the barbs?

After the immediate rehoming/rejuggling, I would have the below in this tank:

1 Severum (rehome when bigger)
1 parrot fish (rehome when bigger)
2 kribensis
1 common plec (rehome when bigger)
1 bn plec

Would the tiger barbs fit into this? If so how many?

Thanks (again!)

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