Endlers Liverbearers Swimming On Their Sides And Swivveling Around?


New Member
Jan 24, 2013
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Hi guys, I seem to have a problem with a couple of my fish, I have 5 endlers livebearers amongst 3 guppies, 2 platy's, and 2 neon tetras.
2 of the 5 endlers are not looking too good, they're swimming on their sides and kind of swivelling round rapidly like they're out of control. What the other 3 seem fine, what could have caused this and what can I do about it? I noticed the first one last Saturday morning and thought it was dead at first as it seemed to be resting in one of the plants, after looking closer though it was still breathing, now there's 2 like it just swimming on their sides and swivelling around. Other than that they do look healthy and haven't lost any colour or developed any nasty looking marks or coloured spots or anything like that.
I feed them once every two days so I don't think it can be overfeeding. On a side note, which isn't as important, the 2 neon tetras seem to be acting a little strange recentley aswell, whenever I go near the tank they shoot from one end of the tank to the other as if they're scared or nervous about something. This is out of charecter as they haven't been like this before, all the other fish seem to be fine though. 
Can anyone shed any light on these problems ?
We'll need much more information. How big is your tank? Did you cycle it? How long has it been set up? What are your water parameters? How often do you perform maintenance, and what steps do you take?
Apoligies for that, the tank is a 46L Fluval Edge which has been set up for approx 6 months, I've had the fish in there for about 4-5 months with no problems apart from a guppy that randomly died and a small neon tetra getting caught in the filter. The rest have been fine up to now. The tank was well cycled at the start and had regular water checks before I added the fish. I usually clean the filter every 2 weeks and clean the sides of the tank with a magnetic algae remover, I carry out a 20% water change every week.  Hopefully this had made things clearer
There is something called whirling disease, you can google that, I've never dealt with it myself. Far as I know it isn't treatable but I could be wrong.
Is there any part of your regular routine that you've changed? How do you clean your filter?
I dont think it's whirling disease, I had a look at a video on youtube and it's not as bad as that.  
Old spouse- I've not changed my routine at all, however when I clean my filter I wash the sponge and the biomax and carbon stuff in tap water... although it is pretty much dry by the time I put it back in so there's hardly any chlorine. Surely that won't have anything to do with it ?
Well, yes it will. The chlorine kills the bacteria in the filter media. You should be rinsing it in old tank water. You'll need to start a fishless cycle again, sorry to say.
Ahh I see, well even though I've been doing it wrong, I have been washing the filter media in tap water for 4-5 months and nothings gone wrong yet apart from these 2 endlers now. So I'll see how it goes and wash it in the old tank water from now on. Thanks for the advice
I think the water changes you do have delayed this, but ammonia poisoning eventually catches up. Large daily water changes now until the filter has cycled. I'd do one immediately to start.
Does this explain the strange behaviour from the 2 endlers then ? The swimming on one side and swivelling around eratically ?
I'd say yes. Do a huge water change now (using dechlorinated and temperature matched water) and see if their behavior changes.
It is a bit split as to how much bacteria gets killed off when rinsing in tap water... but it is for sure you won't end up with what you started with. It is possible that fluctuating ammonia levels has made some fish, more sensitive than others, prone to catching illnesses.

Gill flukes can also cause an off balance whirling. Someone else will have to chime in on that as I haven't experienced that one either.
Ok thanks again for the advice, I'll do as you say and see if anything changes overnight
Just a little update, I've just done a water change, and alls gone well, and I've just found I've got a couple of things that might help, I have a box of Pure Aquarium crystal balls that are supposed to keep the aqairuium crystal clear and treat the bacteria, and break down the ammonia and nitrates. I also have a bottle of quick start that also limits ammonia and nitrate and claims to prevent fish loss. 
The two endlers are still swimming sideways and acting strange and the 2 neon tetras still look very shy and scared
Would it be a good idea to add any of these products ?

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