Emergency. All Bettas Died Off In A Few Days And Wasted Platy.


New Member
Aug 6, 2014
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2 of my bettas suddenly died one after the other. One of them had a worm coming out of it, but I posted in another forum and was told the "worm" was actually poop coming out because of gases being expelled after death. However, my last betta died this morning and my platy wasted overnight so I really think there is something else here..
The first pic is of my first female dead... There was a worm crawling out of her and was still moving. Unfortunately, I did not take video...

I did not take a picture of the second dead betta since I did not see any worms or anything unusual. I woke up this morning to my third betta dead. There is something... A patch of colour is gone from the betta. I took a picture here.

And here is my platy who seemingly wasted overnight... I do not think she will make it.. :(

Last water change: Sunday
Fish tank size: 29 gallons
Other inhabitants: swordtail, platies, 2 glass catfish, school of rummy nose and neon tetras.
Filter: 2 HOB Aqueon 30 filters
Any new fish added to tanks: The group of rummy noses about a month and a half - 2 months ago. I did not quarantine them.
Prior health issues and medications used: None.
Findings on fish: worm sticking out of ONE dead betta. The worms colour is RED if you cannot tell from my pic
Food fed: I switch between the Omega One Tropical Flakes, and frozen bloodworms/brineshrimp.
Fish Behavior Before Death: None... Fish was all acting normally.
Red worm parasites are camalanus worms, and you will need a treatment specifically for them. The second betta with the white patch would be infestation of worms draining all the internal organs causing a huge bacterial infection (white patch) the platy this is another sign of these worms the fish wastes away. You need to treat the whole tank and quickly, the platy maybe saveable, After treating for the worms use an antibacterial medication to clear up bacteria left in the gut by the worms.
Hope this helps
Thanks so much! So I read that Levimasole  is not avaliable for purchase because of something... So Levimasole is the only one that works I read. The other one is Fenbendizole but it is said that the worms might be resistant to the treatment... Does this mean I am out of luck? I really want to try saving these fish if possible... Don't know what else to use.. :(
I didnt think Sera Nematol was available in the U.S, but looking on their site you might be able to find somewhere selling it..
I have used it before treating camalanus worms, out of a whole tank affected I only lost 2 fish, its a one dose treatment, but you can do a second dose after a week or so, but read the instructions :) 
Thanks so much. I took a look and they do not have any stores here. :( And Petco doesn't have anything.
Is there any on Ebay? the only other to try would be a good quality discus wormer. Sorry I am not being much help :(
Oh no!! You are. Thanks so much for trying to look into this for me. I really appreciate your replies as I have not been getting much response elsewhere. <3

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