Ello Everyone


Fish Fanatic
Jan 22, 2014
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I am new here. I actually came across this forum looking for answers about my platies. They are (I believe) pregnant. I bought them from a petsmart about a week ago and was starting to wonder why they were getting so fat. Came to find out that I am the proud owner of 4 females and 1 male. And that 3 of my females are heavily pregnant. After I saw how helpful everyone is here I decided to join in hopes of not freaking out again like I had thinking my fish had a bloating problem. 
Anyway, I kinda wrote a big long thing (I am good at that haha). So I am going to wrap it up by saying Hi, Im new here, and look forward to getting help, helping others and getting to better understand the full care I can give my fish.
Hugs and Smiles,
to TFF Holly, hope you enjoy it here!
So long as there is a male your girls are going to constantly be pregnant. Even when removing him they can store sperm I think for up to..6 months? Am not the best in livebearers as I don't have any :/
Ninjouzata said:
to TFF Holly, hope you enjoy it here!
So long as there is a male your girls are going to constantly be pregnant. Even when removing him they can store sperm I think for up to..6 months? Am not the best in livebearers as I don't have any
Wow, I did not know they stored sperm, and for that long. I don't mind them being pregnant and having cute little babies, I now have moved the shrimp I have from my 1 gallon to the 10 gallon tank so I can use the little one as a nursery type tank. So it will be cool haha :D I have always wanted to breed fish, I just never really knew how or had the fish to do it. I am eager to learn and have them breed.
The issue with it though is you'll quickly become overstocked with all the babies :c
to the forum!
Ninjouzata is perfectly correct in her advice.
You will have to be careful you do not become overstocked with platies, very easy to do so.
Ch4rlie said:
to the forum!
Ninjouzata is perfectly correct in her advice.
You will have to be careful you do not become overstocked with platies, very easy to do so.
Most will actually just get fed to the other fish when they are a little bigger, and given to friends whom have aquariums :D I just mostly want to learn how to, and see what colors I get from them.
If you are wanting to breed them it is probably best every now and then, just like you said, is to let the platys or your other fish eat the fry to control and have a stable way of having Fry and not becoming over crowded. It's what i will probably do, although going through my mind will probably be ''but what of theres some beautiful colours!:( Haha. Although not all the fry survive to adulthood, and sometimes they dont give birth to many, but they can have loads of Fry so its up to you when and how you want to control it :) 

Welcome to the Forum, i will happily help you out with your Platys. Hope you have a great day :) 

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