Elder Beach


It's life Jim, but not as we know it.
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 22, 2011
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I've been planning on upgrading the living room display since the new year. There was an old clearseal 30 inch tank on some old furniture in an alcove in the room and it was one of my old, not too well looked after tanks. Pretty enough with the lights on when the tank distracted the eye but a bit of an eyesore when the lights were off.

The OH obviously agreed as she ordered an ND aquatics 36x18x24 tank for my birthday in June.

It's thrown me a bit that it's drilled but she's aware that I want to go marine at some point in the future when we stop spending all of our money trying to rebuild the house.

After a delivery delay, some chaos with work deadlines and the distractions of a 5 month old, I've finally reached the stage where I'm getting things set up. Not really the best time financially for us to be doing this, for a variety of reasons, so forgive any associated DIY projects and some of the more interesting variations.

Anyway, to get the ball rolling, and because I know you all love pictures, I've got some hardscape in place, hopefully with better pictures once the light levels drop in the room so I get less glare.


Anyway, stats wise, the tank itself is a 216 litre (47UK gallon) set up. It's the size it is because it fits in the alcove, nothing more complex than this really.

The corner is drilled, which is new for me, so it has a durso set up in it, leading to a rainwater butt sump with the media out of the old external on the 30 inch that used to stand there and a whole pile of extra filter media.

The rest of the sump system is a work in progress, for the moment it houses 2x150W heaters and 2 return pumps, 1 1000lph and one 3100 lph. So that should give 4100lph of pump power, minus whatever the head and corners take off the flow.

Fire extinguisher CO2 system will migrate from my previous tank. As my luck seems to run true the reactor split a couple of weeks back, merrily emptying half the tank out through the cat flap (fortunately) so I'll probably have to make a new one and run it off the 1000lph return system.

Lighting will temporarily be 2x10k 24W T5's, with this being next in line for an upgrade. I'll have to see if I can get 39W tubes in the hood to start with. Then I'll take a look at LED systems once I have some money again.

Plants are an open book. I feel the need for something new, plus my current stock is sulking and covered in algae after the CO2 system ran out and then burst in fairly quick succession, so I need to get some healthy stuff in again. Interesting ideas are welcome here, although personally I think the wood is crying our for some anubius.

Stock wise, I'm staying with my SA community theme, as I have to put them somewhere, plus I quite like them anyway, so it'll start understocked with.

1x flame apistogramma aggasizi, male. (my psycho fish that hates females).
5x cardinal tetra
5x glowlight tetra
3x corydoras sterbai

I'm aware of an underlying mixture of desires otherwise. I've got a history of obsessive angel breeding, and a part of me wants angels again, part of me is also interested in keeping something different and knows the risks of me ending up with 200 angelfish again, so suggestions again, for interesting additions to this mix, are very welcome.
OK, background is on and wiring started.

Scheme for today (please note that my schemes tend to change on an hourly basis and then I can never get half the plants I want, so bear with me).

Planting, as usual, has changed already, partly because I'm having issues sourcing the Staurogyne and the Cyperus.

I'll probably swap around the Eustralis and the Aponogeton, as the latter will do a better job of covering the pipework.
OK, it's been ages, I've been busy with work, family and illness and have been very slack at getting anywhere with this. The lights have also still not arrived so it's still dark in there.

So to update anyway, the tank is set up, the crazy sump is running with 3100lph of water going through it and I've learned to never let the pipes become disconnected whilst you're playing with the syphon break (otherwise 3100lph of water pumps over your carpet and, as you rush to kill the pump, the syphon starts up and pumps full bore down 22mm pipe over the carpet). The reactor system is awaiting a new glue gun as mine is broken and that too is taking forever to arrive, once that's up and running though I should have CO2 and 4100lph of flow.

Planting wise the staurogyne seems to be unavailable everywhere, as does the cyperus and the ludwegia. I love it when a plan comes together. I do have the crypts and various anubius (one nana, one barteri and one congensis) in now though. I planted some eleocharis in the front right section as I had some that would have been culled otherwise and am slowly going off the idea of the aponogeton. So, as expected, a lot has changed.

Pending deliveries thing should be pretty much ready to roll. At this rate I may have well have set it up as a marine tank, it's taking months to set up.
OK, so to update. The tank is running, it's planted (a bit, still can't seem to get plants that I'm happy to settle on that don't seem to be out of stock whenever I can be home for a delivery) and has a few cories in there with their filter transferred over.

So far the filter has crashed into a mini cycle so I'm battling nitrite. Ammonia zero though, so hopefully it'll do OK. It's come down from 1.0 at peak to 0.5 in the last few hours without too much effort from me, so hopefully the filter tweaks have brought things back under control nicely.

I do seem to have some impressive snails and my Amano's seem to be finally dieing of old age (I've had them for about 4 years now and they were of undetermined age when I got them as they were from a tank shutdown (previous owner had passed away and his OH had no idea), so I'm down to 1.

Hopefully the filter will stabilise soon and I can get to adding in the community that's currently sitting in holding in the shed.
Right. Next time I say I'm going to get more tanks, remind me that things go wrong whenever I do. While trying to set this one up the little one had a nasty cold that led onto a nasty bout of erythema multiforme. Overall she's been ill for just over a month and hardly sleeping or eating properly. Just as she was improving my other half went downhill (probably just exhausted) and is just about recovering now. Overall progress has been slow and I'm somewhat drained. I'm still wondering what will happen if I set up a nano-reef. I suspect with my luck I'll end up in hospital or something.
On a brighter note, having neglected the set up slightly and ended up with a mini cycle, I popped down to my LFS, who aren't amazing, but do have a fair selection of stock and offer good advice (I've heard them refuse to sell fish to people who can't answer simple questions like how big a tank is this oscar going in), and picked up some stems for next to nothing. They had some old stock after not getting a delivery of plants for a few weeks so had some straggly left overs that looked pretty ropey and weren't selling. Closer inspection revealed some melting plants that had been grown emmersed but were starting to send up immersed leaves and looked awful. The plant person is on maternity leave so they shifted them to me for a fiver for about 12 bunches of mixed stuff. After a slight mini cycle a few fast growing stems seemed a good idea, and I can always move them on into another tank once things settle. I'll get pics up when the room goes dark, otherwise you'll get a nice shot of me and my camera. I think I know what they all are.
Right, as promised, the pictures begin, I'll start with the overview shots at present.



I suspect so, it was part of the LFS cheapo batch that they didn't identify, but that's what I think it is.
OK, haven't updated this in ages. Been very busy and not getting in at sensible times to take any pictures of the tank.
Anyway, progress update, plants were doing well, transferred the old tank stock and all seemed good.
Then the expected plant melt with the crypts and swords happened, all was on the expected track, including a few uproots of some plants by the cories and apisto, which was irritating but not the end of the world.
Then I got my hands on a bunch of juvenile ellioti from a member here who has down the road and needed to get rid of some.....
Ok, so we're not really South American any more, but they're pretty.
In the meantime my tetras were largely dieing of old age, so I added a shoal of congos that looked beautiful at the LFS.
A couple of the ellioti decided that they liked the new additions so paired off and laid a whole pile of eggs yesterday, so now we have chaos, but in a good way. No pics for the moment as they're pretty jumpy.
OK, pictures time.
We have the proud father

what's left of the eggs

and the mother, who sits still a lot better, so is easier to photograph
Well, we definitely have wrigglers. Not sure how many, as they've been neatly hidden in a hollow in the sand under a log. Aggression levels are very high and I've lost a couple of dithers so far, but otherwise at least the aggression is being well spread amongst what's left and it means that the happy couple aren't tanking any punishment from each other.
DrRob said:
I'm aware of an underlying mixture of desires otherwise. I've got a history of obsessive angel breeding, and a part of me wants angels again, part of me is also interested in keeping something different and knows the risks of me ending up with 200 angelfish again, so suggestions again, for interesting additions to this mix, are very welcome.
Oh dear. The ellioti have reached free swimming stage. I really wasn't expecting the first batch to make it to the stage where there were 200 odd free swimming fry already. Ramping up the spare tanks now for moving them on as they're looking more and more viable. They're parenting well too.
There may well be posts in the classifieds threads soon if this works out.

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