Dying Pleco


New Member
Oct 18, 2014
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I have a 50 gallon freshwater tank.  It has 4 swordtails and 2 neon.  I also have a live plant in it.  I have attempted to add a pleco (purchased from petco and petsmart). They seem to do fine the first 2 or 3 days and then they die.  I have a home test kit and everything seems to be in order.  I have had my fish for almost a year and routinely clean my tank.  There isn't a lot of residue from overfeeding but algae seems to continue to grow.  Nothing is wrong with my other fish or my plant (which I keep clipping as it grows so fast).  Can you give me some advise?
Fishmanic, is it okay if I answer?
And why does it need to be deleted?
Perhaps fishmanic is referring to his response, not OP's post.

Assuming that, I'll ask a few questions of you, meema.

What test kit are you using and what are your specific numbers for pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Also if you know your water hardness, that would be helpful.

Have you lost any other fish recently?

What species of pleco do you try to add?

What is your acclimation process?

Before adding plecos, I would add more neons although I'm pretty sure they prefer lower pH and softer water than the other fish. You'll also need to be sure you are getting a pleco because you want the fish not to clean algae or eat unwanted food. This is your job as fish keeper.

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