Dwarf Gourami Attacked And Now Lying On Side


New Member
Mar 9, 2012
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Please can anyone offer any advice. I have a dwarf gourami which was attacked a week ago and tail and fins were bitten off by another tankmate. His tail then started to grow a sort of cotton wool like growth that I thought was fungas. I have been treating him with interpret fungas and finrot and the fungas was improving but today he has been lying on his side at times. He does sometimes get up and swim around. Do you think he will recover or would it be kinder to put him down as I don't want him to suffer.
The best thing you can do to help fins grow back and heal are good water flow, and nice clean water. Water changes, water changes :) GL with the little fellow!
!!! have you checked your water levels lately? never heard of mollies attacking to the point of almost killing another fish. I would check your ammonia levels.
Pets at home checked my water and said it was fine. Had the chocolate mollies rehomed in a friend's tank and they tried attacking his beta too. I have never had any problem with mollies before.
thats really strange, especially against a gourami and a betta :/ just make sure they have really clean water and good flow. GL!
Sadly, the gourami died today so I have now done another water change. The remaining fish seem fine and tank more peaceful since I had the mollies rehomed.
Sorry to hear that

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