Dream Tank ^_^


New Member
Jun 13, 2013
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Ok guys so I recently got my dream tank. Its an 80 gallon bowfront with a 55
Gallon sump with a 26 gallon refigium. Ive got over 1000 gph in turnovers and a brand new co2 system as well as a bubble bar that runs the length of the tank.

The big question is how should I stock it? I defiantly want it be a beautiful planted tank. Im looking for medium sized fish community tank. I was thinking of angelfish... do you have any other sugestions. I also really like oddball or unique fish but its hard to find oddballs that work.in a community tank.

So how would you guys stock this tank if it was yours.
I really like your angel fish idea.  With my planted tank I went the community route.  I have a betta with some gold neon tetras, white clouds, amano shrimp, a black kuhli loach, panda cory's,  some snails and African dwarf frogs.   I really like the way mine turned out. 
What are the dimensions of the tank, OP, and is your water hard or soft?
From how far away will you be viewing the tank, and do you have any fish, apart from the angels, you particularly like, or do have a favourite colour you'd like to include?
The water is soft and the tank is 48 inchs long. Im just trying to explore options before I start to dump more money into the tank. Im intrigued by blood parrots but I understand theres alot of problems with them. I also love dicuss but they are just to expensive. I want to have bright ccolors in this tank to contrast the angels.
And how wide (front to back) and how deep (top to bottom)?
(sorry to be a pain with all the questions 
fluttermoth said:
And how wide (front to back) and how deep (top to bottom)?
(sorry to be a pain with all the questions :blush: )
The tank is 2.5 feet tall
1.5 feet deep at the sides
2 feet deep in the middle
And 4.5 feet wide

I was thinking of an angelfish and blood parrot mix. I understand the controversy with blood parrots but we all.know there not coming off the market anytime soon, so I can at least give them a good home.
so with the sump i have 135 gallons i subtracted about 25 gallons for the substrate and rocks.  so i figure i have about 110 gallons to work with.
so for my stocking im thinking
-2 parrotfish
-6 angelfish
-6 rams
-5 rainbow fish
-1 clown loach
-1 rhino pleco
-1 rainbow shark
what do you guys think, any other sugesstions?
I have to be honest, I don't like your stocking list and can see multiple issues with it.
The parrotfish are likely to be too aggressive and make too much mess for the rams to be happy. All three cichlid species (parrots, angels, rams) are likely to be competing for territory.
The rams need soft acidic water, where the rainbows would prefer it on the hard side.
Clown loach need to be in groups of at least six and even a tank of your size is a bit on the small side, tbh.
The rainbow shark would be too aggressive for the rams and might cause issues with the loach.
As you have soft water, how about something sort of South American, like this;
6 angels (although you night have issues if two decide to breed, you ought to have enough space)
12 or 18 of one of the larger, more unusually shaped tetras; bentosi or black phantoms, perhaps, or even Congos, although I got rid of mine as I suspected they were nipping my angel, but I'd avoid red phantoms, black widows and serpaes; I've found all those can still be nippy, even in larger groups
12 or 18 marbled hatchets; not brightly coloured, but very attractive and an unusual shape; visitors always comment on mine
 a dozen or so corydoras (but you'd need a sand substrate)
a small group of red whiptail cats (a lovely bright colour and again, a more unusual body shape than many fish)
Or you could go Asian with;
a trio (1 male, 2 female) pearl gouramis
12 or 18 gold or green or cherry barbs or dwarf neon rainbows, or about 12 of one of the larger rainbows
a dozen zebra loach, or 8 or 9 polka dots
1 rainbow shark? Not sure, never kept these myself; might be too aggressive for the loaches; you'd have to check!
that set up would probably be better for neutral or slightly hard water, mind you.
Ok so the rainbow fish aren't gonna happen.
Also I have the clown loach and the rainbow shark already and the are living happily in a 29 gallon. Which is really unsual because the rainbow shark is fully grown. Thanks for the help.im defiantly going to consider your suggestions but im still unsure what im going to do.

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