Dragonfly Nymphs? Help!


Mostly New Member
Jul 6, 2014
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So apparently I now have Dragonfly Nymphs in my tank.  I have broken the tank completely down, trashed everything, except my HOB filter (just so I didnt have to cycle all over again).  However, I am still finding these guys and what I think is their egg sacks.  The egg sacks are clear jello looking things, or at least thats what I think are their egg sacks.  So how do I get rid of them without trashing more of my stuff or fish, and are the clear-jello like egg sacks the dragonfly eggs or are those for something else? 


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They are a pain to catch, patients and perseverance is key. Small ones I've caught in a turkey baster before, otherwise, as with fish, low water levels and multiple nets. If you've got a spare tank they are fascinating creatures and I'd always encourage people to try to keep them alive.
so is there no real way to eliminate them from the tank entirely (without killing EVERYTHING)?  I just have to watch closely and do it one by one?  SO its it just like once you get them in a tank, they will always be in that tank?
They are just dragonfly eggs, so they will eventually go away after they hatch. The jelly looking things could be their eggs, do you have snails? 
That picture, is actually more of a damselfly nymph rather than dragonfly nymph imho.
I have had damselfly nymphs in my tank, was annoying tbh.
And I would recommend taking these out when you see them as they will possibly start catching shrimps and small fish for food.
Half the battle is seeing them and then catching them. Easier said than done, my preferred method was using a sypon hose and bucket rather than a net as found plants and decor got in the way when using nets.
Have a look at my thread, may give you ideas what to exepct...
Ahaha damselfly nymphs!! Oooooohh....
I had one before, never found it after first time I saw it, then I forgot about it, had bad dreams where I woke up to a dead cherry shrimp colony, then forgot about it, then saw topics such as this one...
I'm sorry I'm not helping.
I agree with charlie on damselfly nymphs. Smaller and less agressive than dragonfly nymphs then again they are still carnivorous little buggers :D
Ch4rlie said:
That picture, is actually more of a damselfly nymph rather than dragonfly nymph imho.
I have had damselfly nymphs in my tank, was annoying tbh.
And I would recommend taking these out when you see them as they will possibly start catching shrimps and small fish for food.
Half the battle is seeing them and then catching them. Easier said than done, my preferred method was using a sypon hose and bucket rather than a net as found plants and decor got in the way when using nets.
Have a look at my thread, may give you ideas what to exepct...
Thanks for the link!! These do look much more like what I am finding, and like you, i KEEP finding them.  I have removed everytthing from my tank, including every bit of substrate, but did keep my HOB filter to not break the tanks cycle.  However, they muse be living in the filter, because I went about 2 weeks w/o seeing any, and my BN plecos had about 60-70 2mm fry, so I moved them into that empty, but cycled tank, and guess what,  I AM STILL finding them.  Just not 5 min. ago I just caught another.  I dont know what to do at this point....
Yeah, unfortunatley they are annoying, think you may have got them through a plant.
What happens fairly often, is, a lot of LFS have a section outside where they grow certain plants such as elodea / egeria densa and if there is a local pond or river not too far away, dragonflies as well as damselflies will lay their eggs on the plants.
Its unfortunate but its natures way
best thing you can do is remove them when you see them, taking out the tank, plants, and decor wont do much really as soon as you return them back to the tank water, out they pop, very elusive and cunning really, to be admired in a way for their survival instincts.
Patience and persistance will win the day. Wish could help more

Good luck.
Ya I ordered plants from eBay, and after I received my plants, and put them tank, then the nightmare began.  From that one plant order, my tank became INFESTED with leaches, yes LEACHES dozens and dozens of them, a massive outbreak of pond snails (8 Assassin snails in a 29 gal cant keep up with the pond snails), and THEN ontop of all that, I have the nymphs.  I will never order from that guy again.  One single plant order basically took down my entire tank.  And get this, the seller wont even respond to a single email. 
NewTankGuy said:
Ya I ordered plants from eBay from this seller named Fishareus, and after I received my plants, and put them tank, then the nightmare began.  From that one plant order, my tank became INFESTED with leaches, yes LEACHES dozens and dozens of them, a massive outbreak of pond snails (8 Assassin snails in a 29 gal cant keep up with the pond snails), and THEN ontop of all that, I have the nymphs.  I will never order from that guy again.  One single plant order basically took down my entire tank.  And get this, the seller wont even respond to a single email. 
Wow. That is bad luck to get damselfy nymphs as well as pest snails from one plant order, although pest snails are pretty common to get for many keepers, me included! :lol:
TBH i dont mind the snails at all, but the nymphs are another story.
Assassin snails will get you snial popultaion under control, need to give them a few weeks / months and before you know it, you wont see any pest snails at all ;)
Do be aware assassin snails do breed as well, albeit much slower and are single egg layers.
Interesting eggs, cannot mistake them for any other types of snail eggs ;)

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