Okay so for a while I've been looking at getting a 70 gallon tropical freshwater aquarium, I've been thinking about possible fish combinations and want it to be a peaceful community tank. This is the list so far:
1 Opaline Gourami (female)
2 Pearl Gouramis (female)
3 Honey Gouramis (female)
3 Sailfin Mollies (male)
5 Mollies (male)
5 Platies (male)
5 Swordtails (male)
8 Sparkling Gouramis (female)
10 Boesemani Rainbows (5 males, 5 females)
13 Cardinal Tetras (random male to female ratio)
1 Gold Nugget Pleco
12 Various shrimp e.g. 3 red cherry, 3 ghost, 3 red crystal, 3 bee
First of all, will the male swordtails fight with eachother and the other male livebearers? I have had 1 male swordtail bully another male platy before but in a 10 gallon which is a lot smaller than a 70 gallon, would more space prevent this from happening again or would getting all female swordtails help?
Is this overstocked or understocked? Have calculated the maximum inches of all the fish and it comes up to 113" and when applied to the 1 inch per gallon rule it's overstocked but it doesn't seem like that many fish when I think about it so not sure.
Have read up that opaline gouramis can be aggressive but it's my all time favourite fish and am hoping all female gouramis would help?
If the tank is overstocked this is only a suggestion and I will alter it after your feedback, thanks
1 Opaline Gourami (female)
2 Pearl Gouramis (female)
3 Honey Gouramis (female)
3 Sailfin Mollies (male)
5 Mollies (male)
5 Platies (male)
5 Swordtails (male)
8 Sparkling Gouramis (female)
10 Boesemani Rainbows (5 males, 5 females)
13 Cardinal Tetras (random male to female ratio)
1 Gold Nugget Pleco
12 Various shrimp e.g. 3 red cherry, 3 ghost, 3 red crystal, 3 bee
First of all, will the male swordtails fight with eachother and the other male livebearers? I have had 1 male swordtail bully another male platy before but in a 10 gallon which is a lot smaller than a 70 gallon, would more space prevent this from happening again or would getting all female swordtails help?
Is this overstocked or understocked? Have calculated the maximum inches of all the fish and it comes up to 113" and when applied to the 1 inch per gallon rule it's overstocked but it doesn't seem like that many fish when I think about it so not sure.
Have read up that opaline gouramis can be aggressive but it's my all time favourite fish and am hoping all female gouramis would help?
If the tank is overstocked this is only a suggestion and I will alter it after your feedback, thanks