Do Gouramis Need An Oxygen Pump?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 10, 2006
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Hi friends, I am new and novice. I am planning to begin with a 10 to 15 gallons tank with plenty of plants. I wish to please know …
• If I only keep different varieties of gouramis, would they need an oxygen pump (being labyrinth)?
• If they do need an oxygen pump, can they survive a 10 to 14 days vacation without the oxygen pump? (It is not possible to put on the oxygen pump during the vacation).
Thanks & Bye
I'd not suggest anything other than a dwarf gourami in tanks under 30, and definitely only one dwarf in a 10-15 gallon tank.

Gouramis do not like fast moving water, but they do need some form of filtration. A HOB power filter or a sponge filter would be best. The latter would already have the pump, so you would not need another one, and with the HOB, as long as the surface is mildly agitated you would not have to worry about the pump.

Also, why exactly can you not have a pump running over the vacation? How do you plan on feeding the fish over the vacation?

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