Do Fish Hate Mornings?


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2013
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I noticed that with my Betta, he seems to hate mornings. It takes him awhile to start swimming. When I turn the light in the room on, he just hides under the plant. And I noticed that the fish I had a few months ago took a while to become active when I turned their light on. 
Its the sudden shock of the light coming on makes them disorientated for a while. I never turn my lights on now during the day I let my lot wake up naturally and turn the lights on early evening at feeding time, they dont mind then lol
Even when its just getting brighter out they look annoyed. :p
Try giving them an extra hour before turning the lights on, see if it makes any difference. They maybe just moody at being woken up. I know I am lol
My swordtails seem the most frisky mid morning. :)  But yes, when I first switch on the light they can be a bit sluggish. :p 
I generally with my lights on in mid afternoon, by that time, natural daylight has brightened the room and they are wide awake so when lights come on, they're not that bothered i don't think.
So its a bad idea to turn the light on when its dark in the room?
It wouldn't hurt.  I just generally wait till it's a bit lighter to "wake" them up. :)
Yeah, try to get a bit of natural sunlight in there beforehand and then turn on the aquarium light. Like said earlier, it gives them a chance to "wake up"
I turn the light in my room on for a few hours before I turn the tank light on. Though if I was serious about my plants I'd probably only wait 30 minutes to an hour.
Usually my gourami will start swimming around when I turn my room light on and then he isn't phased when I turn the tank light on later.
Some fish do adapt quicker to light than others, in my opinion. Like my pleco takes forever but I think that they have sensitive eyes... My danios are awake all the time lol. Never slow down. Ever
So it seems fish are like people. Sudden light hurts their eyes. 
Yep. Maybe we are more related to them than science is aware of...

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