Diy Sump Filter (Help Please)


Mostly New Member
May 11, 2014
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Seen this online and wondered how efficient it would work.. seems like a genius set up.. I would use the first baffle to house a few tiny catfish to eat all the un eaten food from the display tank.. thanks for your opinions


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I've also been researching sumps/refugiums a lot lately, and have come across variations on this model. There a are a few things I think you should consider:

- you may have to deliberately over feed the display tank for the catfish to get enough food to survive. Otherwise, the occupants in your display tank will simply eat all the food. Some potential risks of this are that you'll have fat, overfed occupants in your tank, higher nitrates than you'd otherwise obtain, and possibly an increased likelihood of your pipes becoming blocked.

- you'll probably have to remove the filter bags in the first compartment otherwise the food will probably never reach the fish in compartment 2. It'll be trapped by the filter bag.

I think it'll work as a sump/refugium, but probably not as a way of feeding your catfish (I presume you mean cories) adequately at the same time. But bear in mind I've never built or used a sump. These are just my thoughts based on what I've read. Wait for some of the more experienced guys to contribute before you decide - I'm sure they'll have more definitive feedback for you.
I wouldn't use filter socks on comp 1 if I were trying to feed the tiny catfish
That would take care of my second point, but if think you'll still struggle to with the idea of the catfish eating leftovers from the display tank. What type of catfish did you have in mind?
No idea yet, maybe a few of those octos or whatever their name is
Otos? It's probably worth researching their dietary requirements before you decide to keep them in your proposed set up.

Also, I just want to check I fully understand your plans....are you saying the catfish will only ever be fed when they get the leftovers from the display tank? Or do you plan on feeding them on top of whatever they scavenge from the display tank?
Well I use a sump filter with a drilled out bottom on the display tank and it seems as If the over flow sucks more food up than my fish eat. my tank was crystal clear two days ago, now its cloudy from food being trapped inside the sump.. and yes those are the cats I was talking about. . And I guess if I had to, i would feed them on top of what they scavenge
Depending on what you're feeding, this might not be viable. Otos like a plant based diet (e.g blanched veg, algae wafer, etc..), and I'm guessing this isn't what's being pulled into your overflow.

Are you feeding flakes? If so, it's probably an easier solution to feed food that'll sink faster (e.g. pellets) or to pre-soak the flakes before feeding. If you're dead set on having the refugium though, then it's probably better to avoid otos.
Besides that.. do you think the sump itself has a overall great design?
I think it would work well...I'm actually thinking of building something similar - without the peat and carbon though.
I might try to move the peat and carbon, you have them very early in the filter and they work better if they don't clog up with mechanical debris.

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