Diy Fertilizers


Fish Fanatic
Oct 21, 2013
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Hey guys I was doing some research on some fertilizers and I guess I am trying to go the cheaper route and make my own Plant fertilizers, But allot of them sound pretty scientific like Potassium Sulfate and Magnesium Sulfate, Well anyways I just need some help to see if those diy ferts work over the Lfs fertilizers available like Seachem flourish. Also most importantly will they hurt any of my livebearer fish. I was looking at some fertilzer ingredients and they somw of them can raise your nitrate level 30ppm and I really dont want that. Is there any better ingredients you guys use or just say no to drugs and go with the Flourish? 
Here are some of the links I was looking at
So this mixture doesnt hurt your fish at all? I know it depends how many plants you have to how much of the supplement you put in your tank but I am new to this so I gotta make sure I do it right. I like the setup on the site but they dont ship to the states unfortunately :/ thanks for the advice I will use those ingredients tho!
its not hurt my fish, if you think about it animals live in water, the conditions change all the time, take a local river, fertlizers from fields run off into it all the time. the fish are used to it, i think your just worried because its playing with chemicals. but just remember its the same stuff as you get in dirt/ decomposing  just in its simple form, it shouldent harm your fish if you dose the right amount, and that depends on how many plants you have, if your worryed start with a small dose, if your plants look like they need more up it a little.  
Yeah I guess you have a good point there. But i will start small like you said and see where that leads me. Thanks for the advice. Hopefully soon my tank will look full and lush like yours does in the picture there. Also i dont have too many plants as of yet and I want to get all things first so they can grow. I already have the co2 and diffuser hooked up. Just need the ferts.

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