David J
We had a power cut here in east Lothian from 6pm until 12:30am. A fire at the power plant apparently. Despite all my efforts I lost a panda cory. Absolutely gutted.
Here is what I did. Please let me know if anyone would have done anymore as I want to learn from this in case it happens again.
6:10pm - power goes off. Helpline stated it should be back on by 8:15pm. I think about doing water changes but figure I have had the filter off for upto 2 hours several times over the months while cleaning etc so decide not to do anything other than keep an eye on the fish. I decide not to feed them.
8pm - Power not back on. Helpline states the engineers are working and advise power should be back on by 2am. I realise I need to act. I test the water for ammonia and nitrite. Both are zero but I figure ammonia will not be zero for long so decide to do water change. Before doing anything I realise that I won't be able to temp match the new water because I have no power therefore worry about doing a standard water change of 30% because it will probably lower the temp by quite a bit. The temp has been a stead 27/28 for a few weeks now due to the heat wave'. I decide to do a 10% water change every hour.
8:10pm - 10% water change. Temp drops from 27/28 to 26/27. Fish look fine.
9pm - 10% water change. Temp drops from 26/27 to 25/26. Fish look fine.
10pm - 10% water change. Temp drops from 25/26 to 25. Fish look fine.
11pm - 10% water change. Temp drops from 25 to 24/25. Fish look fine.
11:30pm - Panda cory found dead. I take a water sample and figure I must now do a larger water change. I do a 20% water change and decide to put the media from my external canister into the tank itself. I know that the water needs to pass through the media for any benefit to occur so decide to stir the water gently.
12:15am - Power comes back on. I put everything back together and get the lights on. All other fish accounted for but lemon and glowlight tetras all very pale as is my ram. The lemons are staying very close together which they don't normally do. All 8 were in a space about the size of a tennis ball. Gradually all the fish started acting normally again and colour starts returning. I decide to feed a very small,amount. I normally feed every day and I know they would be fine without food until tomorrow but I more wanted to see how they'd react to the food than anything else. Gladly, they acted absolutely normally.
12:30am - I test the water sample I took at 11:30pm. Ammonia was 0.25 and nitrite was zero. Since then I had done a 20% water change so decide not to act further.
I will test the water first thing in the morning.
Would any of you done anything different? Will my bacteria be ok? They were submerged in tank water the whole time.
I know this type of thing doesn't happen often but I will not be unprepared next time. It's been a busy night. Panic stations. I'm knackered and gutted to lose a fish. I am now thinking of looking into getting a back up power supply for these instances. Something like this perhaps.
I've been thinking about getting one of these anyway for my telescope but will need to see if it will do for aquarium emergencies also. If not, something else. Does anyone use anything like this?
Thanks for reading, please let me have your feedback.
We had a power cut here in east Lothian from 6pm until 12:30am. A fire at the power plant apparently. Despite all my efforts I lost a panda cory. Absolutely gutted.
Here is what I did. Please let me know if anyone would have done anymore as I want to learn from this in case it happens again.
6:10pm - power goes off. Helpline stated it should be back on by 8:15pm. I think about doing water changes but figure I have had the filter off for upto 2 hours several times over the months while cleaning etc so decide not to do anything other than keep an eye on the fish. I decide not to feed them.
8pm - Power not back on. Helpline states the engineers are working and advise power should be back on by 2am. I realise I need to act. I test the water for ammonia and nitrite. Both are zero but I figure ammonia will not be zero for long so decide to do water change. Before doing anything I realise that I won't be able to temp match the new water because I have no power therefore worry about doing a standard water change of 30% because it will probably lower the temp by quite a bit. The temp has been a stead 27/28 for a few weeks now due to the heat wave'. I decide to do a 10% water change every hour.
8:10pm - 10% water change. Temp drops from 27/28 to 26/27. Fish look fine.
9pm - 10% water change. Temp drops from 26/27 to 25/26. Fish look fine.
10pm - 10% water change. Temp drops from 25/26 to 25. Fish look fine.
11pm - 10% water change. Temp drops from 25 to 24/25. Fish look fine.
11:30pm - Panda cory found dead. I take a water sample and figure I must now do a larger water change. I do a 20% water change and decide to put the media from my external canister into the tank itself. I know that the water needs to pass through the media for any benefit to occur so decide to stir the water gently.
12:15am - Power comes back on. I put everything back together and get the lights on. All other fish accounted for but lemon and glowlight tetras all very pale as is my ram. The lemons are staying very close together which they don't normally do. All 8 were in a space about the size of a tennis ball. Gradually all the fish started acting normally again and colour starts returning. I decide to feed a very small,amount. I normally feed every day and I know they would be fine without food until tomorrow but I more wanted to see how they'd react to the food than anything else. Gladly, they acted absolutely normally.
12:30am - I test the water sample I took at 11:30pm. Ammonia was 0.25 and nitrite was zero. Since then I had done a 20% water change so decide not to act further.
I will test the water first thing in the morning.
Would any of you done anything different? Will my bacteria be ok? They were submerged in tank water the whole time.
I know this type of thing doesn't happen often but I will not be unprepared next time. It's been a busy night. Panic stations. I'm knackered and gutted to lose a fish. I am now thinking of looking into getting a back up power supply for these instances. Something like this perhaps.

I've been thinking about getting one of these anyway for my telescope but will need to see if it will do for aquarium emergencies also. If not, something else. Does anyone use anything like this?
Thanks for reading, please let me have your feedback.