Disaster After Disaster


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Oct 30, 2011
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Yesterday I received 5 shrimp ordered online, 2 of them were dead and failing to take a picture while still in the bag left me with 3 shrimp
This morning I killed one of my cory babies by accident by leaving it hang on a moss ball out of the water. By the time I realised it, it was dead.
And I was just feeding one of my other tanks and when I put my hand in the water, it seemed very cold. I had left the windows opened all night and temperature was 21 degrees. I normally keep it at 25. Thought the heater had blown, but naahh. It turned out that after the water change yesterday I just didn't plug in one of the filters and the heater connected to the same lead. Hope they are ok.

Try not to get too down hearted. With respect to the water change, the temperature dropped slowly and would come up slowly when the heater was turned on so shouldn't be to problematic. I lost my favorite little bullhead when doing a re-scape, it was wedged in a piece of bogwood. Its so sad when you know you've caused an avoidable death, acccidents happen I'm afraid. As for your shrimps, livestock should arrive ok but there's no guarantee. Am not a fan personally, I like to take a look and choose my own.
I feel so bad about the baby cory after so much effort trying to hatch some. The previous batch bar one got sucked out through the tiny little holes by the clown loaches.

As for online delivery, the only happy customer is:

Haha, something fishy going on, looks like the cat that got the cream!
A couple of weeks ago I bought 3 cherry shrimp. I put them in the betta tank first. Then read about how early or later they get eaten by bettas and moved them to the platy/cory tank, the same one I forgot to plug the heater and filter yesterday. I never saw them again, not a hint of them. I dismantled the tank back to gravel only 3 days after that and no shrimp, anywhere. I looked on every plant, shook everything so they can fall off, naah. I thought the platies had a nice shrimp dinner.Until today.....just a few minutes earler. A red cherry female :hyper:
I probably killed the rest by negligence the way I am...She went three times into the air bubbles having a shower. Then marched the tank a few times and then disappeared into the coconut cave. I really can't see anymore so wondering if she just managed to survive or what but it's good news. Pity I can't put her in the shrimp tank with the red rilis as they can interbreed.


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