Disappearing Fish


Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2012
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Ok, so after I got my tank, so did my boyfriend
Basically he has a 23 Litre tank with quite a strong filter (it came with the tank, but it strong enough to create a proper current for them to ride or pushed around if you will) and an airstone. It does have some fake plants, a bridge, a coconut house and one java fern on some bogwood.

6 tetra's have disappeared next to 1 baby BN

We first believed it could have been the stress of transport, then 1 got stuck in the back with one of it's fins between a slit which I then taped over and he had a power-cut for a day)
His water-stat's are ok (I double checked, a little bit of ammonia, but it was barely noticeable when compared to the grading-scale).

His tank is not best put together tank in the world, I've commented and advised against his choices so there's no need to comment about them again (really I've pestered him A LOT, alas without result however),
However if you can tell me who or what the culprit is, that'd be great.
1 male betta,
2 female betta's
4 tetra's (these are left and were slightly bigger than the original group he had. I got some more after the first few had disappeared.
1 small red tailed shark

All were found in the filter (or what was left of them.) With the BN now also gone, I'm not sure about the cause.
Is it more likely to be another fish, disease, the water somehow or some other factor?

I've got 5 pygmy corry's, 1 male betta, 1 BN (Small), 2 julli corry's (they were the last left in the shop being terrorised by angelfish so I took them on and they seem ok joining the pygmy's, keeping an eye out to get some more in the future though), 5 endlers (and a few baby's, I've not really made an effort to save all of them so it's survival of the fittest at the moment) and 2 frogs.
Would it be a good idea to transfer some of his fish to my tank (not the male betta of course, that's definitely bound to go wrong with mine), it's quite heavily planted so I might be able to keep 1 or both girls on, at least temporary, as it's a bit of a maze. And the tetra's as well (although I'm not to sure about the rts). This is in a 30 L. I'm planning to upgrade in 1-2 years, but as I'm still in a student accommodation, I can't right now. (Yes I'm already dreaming of my future tank

However, could this endanger the fish I already have? Otherwise I'd rather see if he can take some of them to a shop instead.
My that is overstocked. A 23 liter (6 gallon by my calculation) is a very small tank. A single male betta would do OK in that tank. But with the amount of fish you are talking about it will never work. Just the red tailed shark can grow to 6 inches which exceeds the inch per gallon rule with any other fish in the tank. I know the inch per gallon can be exceeded but not by the amount you are talking about. Even the male betta in with 2 females is asking for trouble. This is a nightmare tank with the horrible combinations and tremendous overstocking. I sure hope that I read something wrong or you had a big typo in this post.
Not all the fish are in 1 tank if that clarifies.
And I already said that it was a bad tank and also stated that I knew it was and more comments on the fact that it is are not needed.

He's coming to me now however for answers to why they're 'disappearing', ahum, DYING. Hopefully reading some posts about it will make him change his mind about his tank and take action.
Unfortunately, thus far he has been listening to sellers who'd rather sell their fish than give good advice. Even when I said it wouldn't work. (And he's too big to pull out of the store. Ultimately, he's an adult, it's his own decision and I can't stop him).

I already made arrangements for the baby's I'm getting of my endlers (which are still too young) and the BN (if my tank hasn't increased in size yet by the time he/she needs the larger space).

The thing I don't understand is why his water-stat's are still good. With them fish going, surely it should've gone awry? Unless he's been doing a water-change before I could test it myself?
(Or eating them in his sleep or something, which is very unlikely

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