Dirt Substrate


Fish Crazy
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Minnesota, USA
Hello :) I am starting my first ever dirt tank in my small 10 gallon to see how I like it. It will be planted with at least 30 watts, and I would like to try a carpet. I am going to the store tomorrow to get all the supplies I will need. The main thing I can't decide on is putting gravel or sand on top of the dirt. I was originally thinking black sand, because it would blend in with the dirt, but now i'm not sure. What do you guys prefer and why?
Black sand will bring the colors of your fish out better, but personally I like light colored sand. It reflects some of the light, so plants towards the bottom tend to get that little bit more. If the tank is heavily planted and has a dark background your fish will still have good coloration.
The only reason I was thinking about staying away from light colored sand is if the dirt got all mixed up in the sand. Or does that not ever happen? The tank might house my mollies, do they have a preference on sand or gravel?

Also how do I clean the sand without sucking it all up in the siphon?
Personally I like light colored but it certainly can get mixed up depending on the tank. It's a personal preference though.
It its just mollies and no diggers shouldn't be a problem. Just make sure the sand is at least an inch deep. As for siphoning, in a planted tank you barely want to skim the surface of the substrate. I have sand in all my tanks and usually keep the siphon about a half inch above it, to keep it from sucking up sand.
Thanks for all the help again! I am going to look at some pictures to decide what color sand I like best :p I really need to start making a few journals.
You're welcome. Oh, make sure the dirt is soaked, before adding the plants, sand and water. This will make sure there are no air pockets, to push their way through the sand, bringing dirt with it.
This will make sure there are no air pockets, to push their way through the sand, bringing dirt with it.
I'm so glad you said that...it's such a pain when air gets stuck!
Dirt is soaking at the moment, but most of it seems to be floating. Should I wait for it to sink or put everything that's on top in a new bucket and continue to wash?
Did you sift the dirt before starting the wash or just go for it? If you didn't then you might need to put what's on top in a new bucket. I normally try to sift that stuff out.
Did you sift the dirt before starting the wash or just go for it? If you didn't then you might need to put what's on top in a new bucket. I normally try to sift that stuff out.

What do you mean sift? I took out any long sticks or rocks I found first, that's about it
Using a sifter.
Like this photo from Google but with smaller screen holes.


It helps a ton!
Gotcha. For now I just scooped everything that was floating off the top (it was all like mulch) and all that seems to be left on the bottom is the dirt :) Not sure if I will need another bag of dirt or not yet though, there's about half left now :p
Very good! Post photos when it clears up. Or even when it's dirty. I like photos.

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