Different Types Of Tetra


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2013
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Can different types if tetra bond? Like if I had 4 neon tetras, and 4 black neon tetras, would they all bond together to make a school of 8?
If the tetras are closely related, then it is quite likely they will school together :)
Just realised your a kiwi, like me 
I would think so, though I've never kept them.
Was just doing some research, and I see that they aren't as closely related as I thought they were. 
They may still school together though.
You could get the four of each and watch their behavior, if they seem to mingle and not be stressed then they're fine, but if they do appear to be stressed, rehoming one kind and replacing it with the existing would be the best move.
Just curious, where in Aotearoa are you? I'm in BOP.
Blondielovesfish said:
I would think so, though I've never kept them.
Was just doing some research, and I see that they aren't as closely related as I thought they were. 
They may still school together though.
You could get the four of each and watch their behavior, if they seem to mingle and not be stressed then they're fine, but if they do appear to be stressed, rehoming one kind and replacing it with the existing would be the best move.
Just curious, where in Aotearoa are you? I'm in BOP.
Auckland :)

Yeah I think I will do that :)
I have a Tetra tank which homes six Cardinals, six Neons, six Black Neons and six Serpae and I have found the neons school with the cardinals but not with the Black Neons. The Serpae stay with themselves and the Black Neons mostly swim singerly all over the tank. My tank is well planted. I'm not saying everyone's experience will be the same but it is mine. As for acquiring these fish I say go for it they are nice fish afterall. 
Similar sized/shaped fish may school together if the environment is threatening enough. In a relaxed tank, even "tight schoolers" tend to go their own way after a while. It is, after all, a defensive strategy.
As LL said, they do it for defence, so you'll see it more in tanks where they're dithers than where they're the predominant fish.
Cardinals and neons will shoal together, but partly because they're found in the same waters, shoaling together in the wild.
My cardinals will sometimes shoal with my rummynoses, but my lemon tetras stay in their own shoal.
I've kept lemon tetras, black tetras, serpae tetras, argentinian red cross tetras and head & tail light tetras together for 3 years without any issues. The red cross just grows too big though lol.. just make sure the ones you're mixing in together are as tenacious and gregarious so there is equal food distribution.

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