Mostly New Member
My 55 gallon tank has been going for five weeks now. I merged my four tanks, a 30 with males, a 15 with five females and a 5 and 10 gallon tanks with fry all into the 55, using the filter medium, plants, gravel and more then 50% of the water from the four tanks. Many of the smallest fry got consumed, but I expected that to happen and am okay with it, survival of the fittest. I have a couple rock features, but want to remove one that hides the filter intake tube. I replaced one of the two florescent bulbs with an aquarium light and the vallesneria has grown and bloomed.
Last week I got one of those large Petco Penn Plax castles, but part of the back had been broken and the sharp edges concerned me. I used a piece of mesh plastic from a small vegetable bag that came with produce to create a siliconed bridge to replace a missing area then using more silicon, attached rocks and pebbles that somewhat blended in with the castles colors. I pebbled both the inside and outside of the mesh and the repair is stronger then the original plastic. Now I want to collect select rocks and pebbles, plastic mesh, preferably black, I am thinking of using the mesh from black plastic pots for aquarium/pond plants, stitch the pieces together using fishing line to make an armature shaped like a castle with turrets, bridge, doors and window openings then using aquarium silicon, cover it with the pebbles and rocks.
Last week I got one of those large Petco Penn Plax castles, but part of the back had been broken and the sharp edges concerned me. I used a piece of mesh plastic from a small vegetable bag that came with produce to create a siliconed bridge to replace a missing area then using more silicon, attached rocks and pebbles that somewhat blended in with the castles colors. I pebbled both the inside and outside of the mesh and the repair is stronger then the original plastic. Now I want to collect select rocks and pebbles, plastic mesh, preferably black, I am thinking of using the mesh from black plastic pots for aquarium/pond plants, stitch the pieces together using fishing line to make an armature shaped like a castle with turrets, bridge, doors and window openings then using aquarium silicon, cover it with the pebbles and rocks.