Dead Fish :(


Feb 25, 2012
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Got up this mornin to find my German ram upside down :( even tho last night he was happy as ever, all water stats are fine no problem their, any one got any suggestion ??
What are your exact water stats?
Added anything new to the tank recently?
Any visible signs of fighting?
Tank mates?
What a shame.

Exact water stats, ph and temperature?
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 40
Ph 7
27/28 degrees
An no the rams are my latest addition to my tank
And I crnt see no fighting goin on and I have
2 swardtails male female
4 tetras
2 clown loach
1 red fin shark
2 brstelnoes
Now just the 1 ram
And 2 other fish but don't know the names of them
Nitrite should be 0. Rams are extremely sensitive and I would put my money on that, especially if they've been exposed to it for a while. They also like softer, more acidic water than a ph of 7.

That's a bit of a mixed up stocking, you have fish that all do well in different conditions. Can I ask what size your tank is?
You've room to up the numbers of the tetras then, which is a good idea.

Clown loaches do better in larger groups but as they get so large your tank might not be suitable for them long term. If they're tiny now, they will grow, so bear that in mind.

The shark could get a bit territorial, again something to bear in mind as it gets larger.

Can you describe the fish you don't know the names of? Anything they look similar to?
Yeah ino iv just been abit tied up lately and abit short on cash an this is a link to my 2

Oh an just another question, 2 of my tetras seem to like shake their tails/back end of body against each other, what does this mean?
Kribs?! Oh blimey, they can get quite territorial too when breeding, you'll have to watch them. Not a good mix with rams.

And do you still have the angel?
They tend to stay at the bottom with my red fin shark and clown loaches and the rams at the top of the tank

Iv never had an angle why??
Saw one in the photos in the link you gave me

But I am on my iPad so the pics are quite small...
Ohhh I put it on because someone didn't no what one was
People have told me not to get them, could you tell me what won't go with them, I really like those fish as well :L
I don't think they're a good idea in your set up, you have potentially some territorial and even aggressive fish in there and angels are not exactly saints at times. They can also grow quite large and tall. They also like to be in groups to spread aggression or bullying out, but then if you get a breeding pair their behaviour can get a bit nasty towards other fish.

In the right setup with plenty of room and tank mates they can't eat, bully or be bullied by, they can work really well.

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