David J
Ok, here's the bullet points of what's been going on.
I have a 90L tank, fully cycled. First fish went in about 3 months ago, lemon tetras. Since then I've added glowlight tetra and panda cory's.
Water stats have been fine for months. I do at least one 25% water change every week but usually do 2.
2 days ago I installed a fluval 206 external filter to replace my fluval U2 internal. For safety sake I left the internal running in the tank until I as sure the new one was running ok then it was my intention to move the mature media from the internal to the external to seed the new media.
Since installing the new filter (with a spray bar), I've been concerned about the stronger current in the tank. The fish seemed fine but you could see they were having to work a bit harder. To reduce the flow, today I widened the holes in the spraybar and added an extra hole. This certainly reduced the flow and the fish seemed happier. That was about 5 hours ago.
I've just found a dead lemon tetra. I've tested the water. Ammonia is zero as is nitrite. Nitrate is at about 20ppm. I usually do a water change on a Tuesday. The other fish seem ok except the lemon tetras mouths are opening and closing quicker than before I think.
I have turned off the external for now and left the internal running. I did this because I can only assume it is something to do with the water flow being higher.
It could be that this lemon would've died anyway and had nothing to do with the new filter but how do I know. I don't want more deaths. Any ideas anyone?
Many thanks,
Ok, here's the bullet points of what's been going on.
I have a 90L tank, fully cycled. First fish went in about 3 months ago, lemon tetras. Since then I've added glowlight tetra and panda cory's.
Water stats have been fine for months. I do at least one 25% water change every week but usually do 2.
2 days ago I installed a fluval 206 external filter to replace my fluval U2 internal. For safety sake I left the internal running in the tank until I as sure the new one was running ok then it was my intention to move the mature media from the internal to the external to seed the new media.
Since installing the new filter (with a spray bar), I've been concerned about the stronger current in the tank. The fish seemed fine but you could see they were having to work a bit harder. To reduce the flow, today I widened the holes in the spraybar and added an extra hole. This certainly reduced the flow and the fish seemed happier. That was about 5 hours ago.
I've just found a dead lemon tetra. I've tested the water. Ammonia is zero as is nitrite. Nitrate is at about 20ppm. I usually do a water change on a Tuesday. The other fish seem ok except the lemon tetras mouths are opening and closing quicker than before I think.
I have turned off the external for now and left the internal running. I did this because I can only assume it is something to do with the water flow being higher.
It could be that this lemon would've died anyway and had nothing to do with the new filter but how do I know. I don't want more deaths. Any ideas anyone?
Many thanks,