

New Member
May 12, 2012
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Hi everyone.
I have been trying to cycle my tropical tank for about 3 weeks, i started this by using interpet filter start which after 14 days did nothing at all. over the last 5 days I have been putting ammonia into the tank upto 4ppm and the test readings until today have all been the same.
Ammonia 4ppm
Nitrite 5ppm
Nitrate 5ppm
PH 8

This morning the readings are
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 5ppm
Nitrate 40ppm
PH 8

Would these readings be correct.

Those are good readings, it means your ammonia is being proccessed. Wait until you see a zero ammonia reading then dose to 3-4ppm again. You have reached the first milestone in your cycle, congratulations.

Thanks Tom, Just relieved its starting to do something.
Looks good. Nitrite after only five days is encouraging.
Good morning all.

My water tests today read.

Ammonia 0.25
PH 8
Nitrite 5
Nitrate 5

I had to top the ammonia up yesterday back to 4ppm and have done so again this morning, nearly all the nitrates have now gone ?. the nitrite has decreased as the colour appears to be getting lighter but is still closer to the 5 ppm mark.This is a fishless cycle.
The tanks has bogwood which was soaked for nearly a week before being put into the tank.
I have 10 live plants ( different variaties)
And over the last couple of weeks a load of snails have decided to take up residence.

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