I addressed this in my other thread, but I thought this was interesting and something I hadn't read about.
I just finished a fish-in cycle using Tetra Safestart. The 50 gallon tank was fully cycled after 5 weeks and may have been cycled much sooner. For the first couple of weeks, the ammonia and nitrate readings were always ambiguously close to zero. Eventually, after increasing the fish population, the nitrates were clearly increasing and the ammonia clearly was not. But what I found interesting was that there was never any nitrite present.
I guess it makes sense that if this bottled bacteria will instantly convert amonia, then it can also have bacteria that will instantly convert nitrite. It's just interesting if that's the case becuase 1) I've never read it specifically mentioned as working like that and 2) if it's true, it means that the accepted ways we have for monitoring thr progress of a cycle won't work in this circumstance.
I just finished a fish-in cycle using Tetra Safestart. The 50 gallon tank was fully cycled after 5 weeks and may have been cycled much sooner. For the first couple of weeks, the ammonia and nitrate readings were always ambiguously close to zero. Eventually, after increasing the fish population, the nitrates were clearly increasing and the ammonia clearly was not. But what I found interesting was that there was never any nitrite present.
I guess it makes sense that if this bottled bacteria will instantly convert amonia, then it can also have bacteria that will instantly convert nitrite. It's just interesting if that's the case becuase 1) I've never read it specifically mentioned as working like that and 2) if it's true, it means that the accepted ways we have for monitoring thr progress of a cycle won't work in this circumstance.